Oh my, I completely forgot it was Friday. =/ Although I was also busy sleeping in and working, so I've only now had the chance to type this up.
Alright, so I'm being lazy, and since school is about to start, I'm just going to have some fun with this. So here it is, my list of nerd types! (Yes, you read that right)
1) Academic Nerd: The type who takes all math or sciences classes, often four or five at a time. They spend twice as much time on homework or studying as they actually spend in class.
2) Book Nerd Also know as a bookworm. They enjoy English classes, and in some cases will aspire to become a writer or editor. They are rarely found without a book with them, and can easily hold a conversation about their favourite novels and authors.
3) Medieval Nerd: These nerds have an unusual addiction to the medieval or middle ages. They can often be found at medieval fairs or at real life roleplaying events. Even in real life, they like to have an aspect of medieval times around them, normally in the form of clothing. Despite how pathetic they may appear to everyone else, usually they are quite skilled with at least one weapon. If not, they are likely a bard, in which case a lute is quite painful to be hit with too.
4) Gaming Nerd: These will often be pale and slightly overweight from never leaving their room for sunlight or exercise. They will have almost every console and several dozen games for each, of witch they have beaten at least once. Most of these games will consist of first person shooter or something else violent. Many hard core gaming nerds will play from their 'pimped-out' computer.
5) Sport Nerds: Also known as jocks. These ones will have a heightened sense of self and finds amusement in beating others in competitive sports, whether it's as simple as badminton or as rough as American Football. Most often male, they have way too much testosterone for a sane female to find attractive. (In my opinion, at least...)
6) Gym nerds: Sometimes called gym junkies. They spend at least an hour a day at the gym, and although they claim to be happy when someone attempts to get into shape, they secretly wish that the gym was only for their own kind.
7) Stereotypical Nerd: Almost always found in cartoons, movies or TV shows, this nerd will be wearing glasses, braces, waist high pants and shiny black shoes. Quite often they are very short or unusally tall, with curly red hair and a pimply face. They are a mixture of the Academic Nerd, the Book Nerd, and sometimes even the medieval nerd, with not a trace of the Gaming, Sport or Gym nerd.
Please note that this list is purely for fun, and any coincidences toward your own life should be laughed at. I do not mean to insult anyone... Unless you are amused by being insulted. If it helps, I consider myself a Book Nerd, with a sprinkle of medieval nerd and just a tiny dash of gaming nerd (I like Legend of Zelda and any such games).
Now, I'm not feeling too great, so I'm going to leave it here. Hope you had fun reading this one.
Vanessa, you would make a great Literature teacher, because you can see way more meaning in something than the author intended. XD But thank you, I was just bored and lazy. =]
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I'm very sorry for any confusion the beginning of this post may have caused. I have no idea why I thought it was Friday yesterday. On the way home from work, I just suddenly thought, 'crap, I haven't written my blog today.' So yeah, this'll be my Monday blog. XD