Read it Before you Steal it!

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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Monday, 17 September 2012

Mr. Sandman

((I'm being super lazy and don't really feel like typing anything new up, so here is a scene I wrote in one of my creative writing classes last year. Please note that I have not revised it, so it's still a little rough.))

“Mother, why do we fear the Sandman?” I asked as we sat alone by the light of the dyeing fire.
                “Don’t you remember the nursery rhyme?
‘Stay up late,
And meet your fate.
Past curfew’s hour
You’ll feel his power.
Meet his gaze,
It’s the end of your days.’”
I listened to my mother’s haunting voice and remembered when I was younger, when she would sing that rhyme to make me go to bed on time. As I grew up, curfew was just as natural as the sun setting. No one questioned why, but we followed it religiously.
“But why? No one has ever seen him. How do we know he is even real?” I insisted.
She gave me a berating scowl and stood up from her chair. “Come on, Ria. We should get to bed now.”
It was the same answer every time. She held her hand out for mine, as if I were still that young child she used to sing to, and reluctantly, I took it.

I awoke to the sounds of footsteps. No one every left their bed with the moon still up, and through the gauzy curtains on my window, I could still see its water light.
                “I did not mean to wake you.” a gravelly voice spoke. “But now that I have your attention, I can answer those questions you had.”
A light flared to life, and with its weak beam I could see a shadowed face. It looked gaunt, with black eyes and coarse, pale skin.
                “Who are you?” My voice came out shaky. I sat up in my bed, leaning over to try and get a better look at this strange man.
                “You were questioning my existence just hours ago. I thought I would pay you a visit.” The stranger’s lips parted in a malicious grin, teeth shining like pure quartz. “Now please, why don’t you come a little closer?” He extended a hand to me, and I involuntarily felt myself outstretch my own hand.
                “You’re the Sandman.” I breathed as I felt the rough skin of his palm. His fingers wrapped around my hand, and with one strong tug, I was out of the bed, my feet thumping to the cold floor.
                “What is wrong, my dear? You look pale as a ghost. Or perhaps as if you have just seen one.” He purred, the sound of his voice like sandpaper, making me shiver.
                “You are supposed to be a cruel, heartless being that kills on sight if your curfew is not met.” I replied and glanced back at my bed, suddenly longing for the blissful ignorance of sleep.
                “Well I can hardly begrudge you for being out of bed, now can I?” he chuckled and gently pulled me closer to the window. With the light from the moon I could see his face. It was smooth as obsidian and spotted like granite, as if he were a mould cut from stone and given life. “I wager you have never seen the moon before. “ he continued, gazing up with eyes of glass.
                “Never when it’s this dark out.” I admitted and looked up too.  “Why are you here?”
                “You asked your mother whether I was real or not. I decided I would have to prove it.” he stated.
                “How did you know about that?”
                “Darling, I am The Sandman.” He made a grand gesture of throwing his arms out for me to see him completely. He wore midnight blue robes that covered most of his body and thick leather boots on his feet. “I am the dust in the corner, the dirt on the floor. I can be wherever I want.” He gave a sharp laugh, then wrapped a heavy arm around my shoulders and turned me back toward the bed. “But curfew must be obeyed, so off to bed with you.”
                “But why-“
                “No more questions tonight.” He waved a hand, and as I fell back down into my bed, my eyes became leaden. “Have a good sleep. If you are good, you do not need to fear The Sandman.” His voice drifted off as I let myself fall back to sleep.

((Oh, and copyright and all that stuff... Not sure how to protect this work, so I'm going to say MINE! No one steals this, got it?))

1 comment:

  1. XD Thanks Vanessa. I just liked the Sandman because it hasn't been overused like other mythical figures, not to mention he seems more mysterious than the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. XD
