Alright, so the school week is halfway done for me. I finished my first presentation today, and I'm (hopefully) prepared for my second presentation tomorrow. I've finished the first copy of my essay for Thursday, and I'm saying that I'll re-do it, but I probably wont, because I'm lazy like that.
All in all, I'm less stressed than I was last week, but because I also have a reader's response due tomorrow on the Canterbury Tales, which we had to read in middle english, I'm still a little stressed about that. The question to have to respond to is "How would you connect the Prologue and the Tale, thematically." So of course, I had to look up what a theme in a story was, just to refresh my memory. I'm going to say religion, because, well... It's all about a Pilgrimage, and all the Wife of Bath talks about is how her five husbands (not at the same time) are justified when looking at religious figures. So I got my idea, I'm just setting here procrastinating by writing this boring blog post. Sorry guys, my muse had fled to the distant reaches of the Earth, so I'm just like, blah, typity typity typity ramble ramble ramble... Ugh, I need sleep.
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