Read it Before you Steal it!

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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Saturday, 29 September 2012

Zelda and Mario

Alright, so at the moment it feels like my brain is being pulled out through my nose, so I'm going to keep this short. And yes, that does mean that I have a cold, with a headache and a runny nose, so my creative juices are pretty low at the moment. Oh and look, now I'm starting to cough, which caused my chest to hurt.

Yesterday, after work, I headed out to my friend Kyra's house for another Zelda party. (You can tell I like Zelda, right?) I met some new people, which was cool. This time we did dress up, unfortunately we were all a little too tired to take pictures, not to mention it was raining outside. However, I dressed up as Link (of course) and Kyra and her friend Brandi dressed up as Tatl and Tayl, though I can't remember who was who. The last person, who's name has slipped my mind, didn't have time to come up with a costume.

We started out with dinner of buttered chicken, which is actually much better than it sounds, and a lot spicier. The veggies looked a little... odd, and they were even spicier, so I didn't have much. But it was good, and I had chips and goldfish to snack on.

After we started playing Twilight Princess, because Kyra was near the very end, and within about fifteen minutes Brandi finished the game. Now Kyra can start on Skyward Sword, which means learning how to fly! (She can barely control Epona, so controlling the Loftwing will be brutal)

When Twilight Princess was over, since Kyra didn't want to fly a Loftwing, we played Windwaker. We got pretty far, but there was more sailing than actual fighting. Not very eventful, and when the giant cyclone picked me up and tossed me all the way across the world, I gave up. Of course, Kyra said it was easy... I suppose if you know how to aim with a bow using a joystick.

But like I said, we were really tired, so I think we went to bed around 11:30. It was around then that my nose started to get really runny.

In the morning was McDonalds, the first time I've had it since my convocation, in 2011, so over a year ago. The hashbrowns are amazing, but I've had better pancakes... I think they needed chocolate chips.

Then it was onto Super Mario Brothers. Apparently the only thing I'm useful for in that game is stealing power-ups, bouncing on people's heads, getting in the way and making people fall into the lava/endless pit. Sorry guys, I'm not very good at that game... I just tend to bubble everywhere...

And then I got a ride home. How eventual, eh? Alright, so apparently I ramble when I'm sick. Sorry for the lame post. I'm going to go... Do nothing. Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. That's great to here. =D Hopefully she'll make a quick recovery. And yeah, hopefully we'll have one soon. Maybe in the winter before the next school semester starts.
