Bleh, I feel like shit. At least I got through my first week of school though. And the best part is, my parents will be home in about an hour, so I won't have to take care of my psychotic dog on my own any more. Honestly, I got home from school last night, and the computer screen was not only knocked over, but it managed to get onto the ground. I'm kind of hoping it's broken beyond repair, because then we'll need to get a new one, that isn't so full of viruses and other crap that I cannot play the Sims 3 on it without it pausing every minute.
I don't have school on Fridays, meaning that my school week was over last night. After Tuesday, everything was... better. I still had to clean up after my dog after waking up in the morning and after coming home from school, despite the fact that I dragged her out into the backyard before leaving for school. She just laid down and refused to do anything until I let her back in.
Anyway, on Wednesday I had to bus, then skytrain out to the other campus. I got there with about an hour to spare before my British Literature class. Once it did start, I took a seat next to someone, whom I quickly found out looks and sounds almost exactly like the summer student my mom had at the museum this year. It was very eerie... maybe it's her sister or something... So the teacher was talking about everything we will learn about in that class, and at some point she got onto the subject of the Normans. She asked the class who the Norman's really were, and I was very tempted to answer by pointing at myself. Instead I just said 'North Men', because I am a coward and don't like to draw attention to myself.
On my way back to my main campus, I managed to hop on the wrong Skytrain, sending me to a completely different city than I wanted to end up in. Luckily I was able to get back to the right sky train station, and the right skytain showed up only a couple minutes later. It was kind of my first time taking the skytrain by myself... But I got back to the campus with plenty of time to get to my Astronomy class.
Astronomy is probably going to me more fun than I thought. The professor outright said that it's a science class for people who don't like science. However, it is not a class for someone who utterly fails at math... On the first day we had to remember what scientific notation is, then a bunch of new rules were thrown in, of which I was unable to write down because the teacher seems to think that we can write a hundred words in a minute... So we got tat all out of the way, and as soon as it looked dark outside, we went down to the lake to look at starts. It ends up the stars we were trying to find were in the West, where the sun had not quite fully set, and therefore the sky was still too light to see anything. Not to mention the college and a bunch of clouds were in the way. So that night we only saw three stars, and a few airplanes...
So that was Wednesday... On Thursday I had my World Societies class again. It was pretty uneventful, until part way through a movie when we found out that there might have been a chance that some very early forms of different human species would wave and 'be chummy' with each other when passing by. I kid, of course... Probably... But it was entertaining to watch.
Then there was another six hour break, in which time I realized I forgot the two textbooks I was supposed to be reading from for two different classes, so I didn't get as much homework done as I had expected. Then it was off to Canada Before Confederation. In this class I know one person, which I am happy for, and there just so happens to be another Hanna, though I think it's actually spelled Hannah. The teacher seems a little... eccentric... She made us say her last name, hand movements and all... Luckily we got out about an hour early, so I got home earlier than Tuesday.
My dog left me three puddles of urine and a pile of crap. I was in a better mood at that point though, since Brittney had offered to stay late at school and bus home with me.
So yeah, that was the rather unexciting last two days of my first school week. Now I get to relax for a bit before starting my homework.
Much better. ^^ My parents are home now, and my dad was willing to clean up the mess that my dog made in the study. And our computer does seem to be working.