Read it Before you Steal it!

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Friday, 31 August 2012

Look at That Sexy Beast in the Mirror

Sorry for the late post today; I normally write this around 12 in the morning, but I forgot before I went to bed last night...

Like I said on Wednesday, I'm actually going to talk about something that I find rather series, although the title may say otherwise.

I'm noticed that a lot of girls have self esteem or image issues, no matter how pretty they are, they cannot see it. I admit, I am one of those, but instead of complaining, I push it to the back of my mind and remind myself that looks is not everything. I honestly wish that everyone else could do this.

Now you're probably thinking, 'But Afy, you're so skinny!' Weight is the foremost complaint from women, I find. Yes, I am skinny. No, I do not feel lucky for it. I wish I could be one of those girls with a curvy body. All I really have are knobby angles... Having a body of skin and bones is not attractive! Seriously, what girls wants to have smaller boobs than a fat man? Please, don't starve yourself for what you think is the ideal body, you'll just end up looking like a skeleton with flesh. Now I'm not saying go out every day for fast food, of course. I respect girls who are comfortable with having meat on their body. I don't respect people who have let their body go so badly that they need one of those electric scooters to get around.

Although body image and weight seem to be the most important to girls, I have also noticed that make up is used far too often and too heavily. I do use make up, so I can't say it's completely bad. However, I only wear it when I'm going out, and even then it's just a little bit of cover up, eye liner and mascara. When you can clearly see the layer of cover up and blush, then perhaps you're using too much. I also never wear eyeshadow, because whenever I put it on, I look like a prostitute. There are a lot of people who can pull it off, but there are also a lot more people who use the wrong colour, or too much, and end up looking like some failed attempted at a Barbie doll. The natural look, however, works on everyone. (Except maybe if you have terrible acne...) Or, in my case, the lazy look, as most days I just don't want to spend the time to put make up on. 

However, I know that this rant will never convince most people that they don't need to be skinny or covered in make up to be beautiful. the ideal has been so ingrained in everyone's mind because of those damn drama shows. I was actually kind of hoping that Twilight would start a whole craze to be incredibly pale like a vampire. Apparently the need to look like Snooki won over though... Yeah, I'm not a fan of tans either, but I admit that I'm just being bias there.

Anyway, I'll leave you off with a poem a wrote a while ago:

Look at your hands.
Those hands are perfect for holding.
Look at your arms.
Those arms are perfect for hugging.
Looks are your legs.
Those legs are perfect for showing off.
Look at your stomach.
That stomach is perfect for embracing.
Look at you hair.
That hair is perfect for running fingers through.
Look at your eyes.
Those eyes are perfect for staring at.
Look at your lips.
Those lips are perfect for smiling.

So close your eyes and look.
Look inside of you,
At everything that is perfect.
Look not at looks, but at purpose.
For in the end,
It is the holding
The hugging,
The showing,
The embracing,
The feeling,
The staring,
The smiling,
That matters.
Purpose has no appearance,
But it's what makes you beautiful.

So if you must look,
Look at the outside,
But care for the inside.


  1. But you're so pretty! ^^ But it's not all bad if you obsess about weight, because then you won't be one of those thirty year olds riding around in a scooter because they're too fat to walk.
    And I think your make up looks fine. It's not caked on, and if you wear cover up, I can't even tell.

  2. XD Yeah, maybe wearing bright colours for a passport isn't a good idea.
