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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Monday, 20 August 2012

I Have No Idea What I'm Doing...

Hello hello! Welcome to my piteous attempt at a first time blogging. As you read you will probably be able to tell how new I am to this, and for this I apologize. Hopefully in time I will actually figure out what the hell I'm doing.

Anyway, my friends all call me Hanna, but from here on out, everyone shall know me as Afyvarra, or Afy for short. Why, you ask? I'll explain later, as this blog will be full of answers to 'why' questions.

First off, the most important thing you should know about me is that I am an aspiring writer. I have dreamed of it since grade six (Seriously, I have evidence in a school project about our future.) and although it took me a while to actually admit it to anyone, I am rather proud of it now. However, I am one of those lazy, 'do-it-later' type of people. It drives my dad up the wall. So, with this blog I am trying to make a change. And that should answer the 'why did you start a blog' question. Actually, it was my sister who finally put me up to it. Thank you, Emma, for encouraging me, let's see how long my enthusiasm for this will actually last.

Now this is not to say that I am not doing anything. I am currently in college studying creative writing. Hopefully by this time next year I will be all set up to start a creative writing program at university. Until then I am taking every creative writing course available at college... Except maybe screen writing. That might include acting, and I prefer not to make a fool of myself. 

By now you may be asking 'why is your writing shit?' (Okay, maybe it's just me asking that...) For me, there are two types of writing. One is a hobby, one is serious. I consider this here a hobby; writing to entertain myself and the select few who will bother to read this. Of course, I will proofread, edit and worry over every word until I cave in and press the publish button, submitting myself to the opinions of my peers and strangers.  I'm hoping this is just the whole 'you're your own worst critic' thing going on, and that my opinion of my own work is not echoed in everyone's mind. But hey, no writer can go without a few haters, right?

Now you've heard my ramblings about why I write, how about some more direct questions you may have:

The title is something I came up with within about ten seconds. I know most people struggle with titles, and I do quite often too, as you can see from the title of this blog. However, if there anything I am more proud of than my future career choice, it would be my name. There is a good chance you have no idea who the Norman's are, and I don't blame you (Even I get a little confused with them sometimes). Basically, they were a family of conquerors, one of whom was named William Norman, or William the Conqueror. But anyway, that's not too important. In short, I like my name, and I like to rant (or ramble, if you've noticed). Thus, The ramblings of a Normal Norman. And yes, it is supposed to be ironic. Many of my friends (and a few acquaintances) will agree that I am far from normal. For example, I constantly have my heads in the medieval clouds. I love everything about the medieval times and before. More on that subject on another day.

Ah, my 'name', or pen name, I suppose. It was important to first mention that I am a writer (sort of). The name Afyvarra is from a story I had started writing when I was much younger. What does it mean? Absolutely nothing. It belonged to a dragon, and I have since adopted it for anything that requires a username. I find it flows off the tongue, despite the amount of syllables. Try it yourself; Af-ee-vare-a. Amiright? Sounds like the name of an elf or some other magical creature. (Like a dragon)

Alright, so now you know a little more about me, probably enough to completely stalk me over the internet. You know that I ramble almost as much as Joseph Conrad in 'Heart of Darkness' (bloody boring book), and that what I write here is in no way or form my perfect, polish writing. Maybe in time, sure, but for now just let me have my fun. 

For future reference, I'll probably just be talking a lot about books, movies and TV shows I've seen, the latter two probably based off of books. It'll probably entertain people who like to read, and I'll do my best to entertain those that revile books and reading. 

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