Read it Before you Steal it!

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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Tattoos and Zelda

Today I learned that while sitting on the ground, I will naturally go into that 'sexy-anime' type of sitting.

Alright, now that I have gotten your attention--Or not, considering I'm pretty sure everyone who reads this is female--Unless you're some pervert. In that case... Awkward-- Anyway, today I was late for my own party.

Not a birthday party, just a Zelda party. But first my friend got her arm tattooed. We bussed out to the parlour at around 10:45, at which time I nearly missed the bus because I could have sworn she had told me 11:40 (I checked my texts, she did say 10:40). So that's how I found out yet again that I am very out of shape, and a simple quick walk to the bus stop caused me to start breathing hard.

So yada yadya yada, arm got tattooed, lots of freaking out but no tears. It looks great. I would post a picture, but I'm too lazy to take it off my phone, or to even get it off of Facebook. Maybe I'll just post a link to her blog, and maybe she'll put something up later. If you're interested, the quote says;

"The bond that links
your true family
is not one of blood
but of
love and respect"

It's perfect for her, but I won't go into details, as it's also pretty personal.

After getting that all done, it was around 1:30, and I had set the party to start around 3:30. But stupid me forgot that buses take an eternity to get anywhere. Damn buses. Besides, we had to drop by the mall to buy candy and pop, so that my guests wouldn't starve or thirst. Yeah, ends up I got home around 4:00... After two of my guests had already arrived. Luckily, my three other guests were with me at the tattoo parlour.

We had a jolly good time; two of them were drawing pictures of everyone else... or a guy from the bus... two of us were playing Skyward Sword, and the other two were just watching or doing their own thing. But hey, the lovely Kyra brought tie-dye cupcakes with different Zelda symbols in frosting. I still have two left, so maybe if I feel inclined to get off my lazy ass tomorrow, I'll eat half of one and take a picture. It was also around this time, after Kyra had drawn a picture of me, that I found out I would make a super sexy anime character. Seriously, I have that w-shaped sitting position down perfectly. You know, the one that everyone thinks is incredibly painful. Okay, I'll stop making it awkward now...

Later we switched to Ocarina of Time, but got sick of it really quickly when Link died in the Deku tree... From Deku Baba's... Apparently Ellisa doesn't know how to work a gamecube remote.

Then we switched to Windwaker so that Kyra could get me through the Hero Temple, or whatever it's called. The electric chuchu's freak me out, not to mention the raising and falling water levels. Yeah... I'm not a strong swimmer and even cartoon water like that will tend to scare me... However, once she was getting near the end, the CD somehow got ejected from the wii and the game said there was an error, therefore ruining about an hour's worth of work. She ended up taking the memory card home so she could get through it. I just hope she let's me kill all those monster's in the weird mansion under the water... Oh, and spoiler alert about that part of Windwaker...

That just about sums it up. Only Sianna is sleeping over though, because everyone else apparently has a life outside of Zelda, which they have to get back to tomorrow. *scoff*

Now, I'm going to mention something about next weeks blog. Unless something super amazing happens that I have to talk about, I'll probably be going into something a little more serious. However, it is me, and I find it very hard to be completely serious, so I'll make a joke here and there, which will also make it seem like I'm making fun of the subject from time to time. I'm saying this now; I have no intention of making fun of anything but myself. I do not mean to offend anyone, got it?
But you're probably asking why the hell should you care? You don't really need to. I'm mostly putting this here as a reminder to myself about what to write on Wednesday. It's the whole 'mind of a goldfish' thing again... Maybe I should cut down on those goldfish crackers...


Just some pictures from my last Zelda party. I didn't take any this time because we didn't dress up... and I forgot.

For anyone curious, I was Link, Sianna was Malon, Vanessa was Tetra (zelda in Windwaker) and Kyra was Aryl (Link's little sister in Windwaker)

Now, off to bed!


  1. That is my aim. XD I'm trying to make it relaxed, but formal at the same time. You have no idea how many times I have wanted to place a smiley face in the blog, but then I'm like 'no, not professional.'

    We'll need to plan another party soon, maybe during the winter break before the next semester at school starts.

    1. XD I'll be relaxed in the comments; I find it more fun. =]
