Read it Before you Steal it!

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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Monday, 27 August 2012


Alright, so as I mentioned in my first post, I don't know much about blogs. I certainly don't know if 51 page views in my first week is normal, or if five of those views being from Russia is average. But I'm just going to go ahead and be proud anyway.

But anyway, I had something I wanted to write about on Friday, then I forgot about it, then remembered it yesterday. And have forgotten it again by now. Mind of a goldfish, I have. So yeah, I'm just going to ramble on about how my weekend was.

The reason I posted my Friday blog on Thursday was because I was heading over to the island for my aunt's birthday party. My dad and I started bussing there early Friday morning, and because of that I didn't want to bring my laptop. It's damn heavy and would have made my bag even bulkier. I did have my ipad, and I guess I could have tried to update it through that, but anyone who has an ipad, or even an ipod touch, knows how annoying the keyboard can be for long posts like these.

The party was a lot of fun. The veggie dip was amazing, and I got to drink my first juice box in years. My dad tried to drink from one, but didn't realize you can't squeeze the box after you put the straw in, so he got juice on his glasses.

Funny story, actually, while we were waiting for the ferry. I was on my ipad, and my dad happened to catch a glimpse of a small Harry Potter photo, with Ron Weasly in it. He automatically thought it was himself in the photo, because apparently when he was younger he had thick red hair. I've actually seen a photo of him when he was younger. I think he looked more like Fred and George. In short, my dad looked awesome.

But enough about him. It was my aunt's birthday, after all. Although, there really isn't anything I can say that won't bore everyone. The party was fun, but you had to have been there to be entertained. simply writing about it won't do. Unfortunately, I didn't even take any photos.

Ah, here is something that some people might find interesting. At the party, while meeting all these new people, our future and school paths came up. As you should know, I have my sights set on being a novelist. So I told everyone that I'm in college, and planning on going to university for a creative writing program. I then proceeded to tell them about this blog, and that one of my short stories from my personal narrative class is being published in the winter version of my college's creative writing book. That means I will officially be published, even if I don't get any money.

Well, hopefully I'll remember what I wanted to write about by Wednesday. Maybe I'll write it down next time to remember... Oh, and now that I know that there are people beyond my friends reading this, I'm going to be keeping my personal information to a low. Just a little paranoia I have, thanks to my dad always telling me to never give out my personal information.

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