Read it Before you Steal it!

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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Monday, 25 February 2013

Just Another List

So my good friend Vanessa, who also writes a blog, (You can find it by clicking on her picture at the side of my blog) wrote a list of 50 things about her. I found this pretty entertaining and informative, so I figured I would do one too!

1) You probably already know this, but my dream job is to become a writer. While in my spare time, and until I become world famous (kidding... maybe), I would love to own a coffee shop/book store. I know those won't earn me much money either, but hey, maybe together I can scratch by. If all else fails, I'll live in the coffee shop.

2) I've gone to two book signings for Brandon Sanderson, and I'm keeping my eye out for more signings by other authors

3) I'm a horrible procrastinator. Right now I should be studying for my History mid term that's tomorrow...

4) I have the amazing ability to grow my nails fairly long. I would say the average is about a centimetre long. They don't break often either, but when they do, it's normally into the skin, making it very painful.

5) I have terrible eyesight. I have to wear glasses if I want to do anything. In fact, I think by now I'm almost legally blind. My current glasses prescription is at about -6.75, and my eyesight has gotten worse. Legally blind is at -8.

6) I've been pretty much perfectly healthy my whole life. The only exception has been colds, of course. I've never had to stay home sick for more than a day, and I've never been to the hospital for an injury.

7) I'm very shy, but I'm trying to get over it. Once you get to know me, I'm very talkative. but I swear, I'm a nice person! I'm not trying to be aloof or snotty when I'm quiet, I'm just shy.

8) I'm proud that I took three years of Honours English and one year of Advanced Placement Literature in high school. I think the AP Lit was rather exclusive, because only thirty people got in for the whole year.

9) I'm really not a big fan of literature... Oddly enough. It's not that I'm sick of it, it's just that I find most of it very boring. I want to read for fun, not to have to pick through symbols and hidden meaning to understand what is going on.

10) My collection of books is over 150 now, which actually isn't all that big for a book worm, but I've also been donating and selling some in the past few years.

11) I was nearly published in my college's anthology of short fiction. Unfortunately, I didn't make the last cut.

12) I'm on Reddit! Look up Afyvarra if you want. I hang out mostly on r/books, r/zelda and r/WOT

13) I have way too much of a sweet tooth. I will go to a dollar store and buy three decent sized bags of candy, and it'll be gone in a week.

14) That being said, I have a candy chest. I try to keep it well stocked, but to do that I will probably run out of money in a month...

15) I'm very frugal. Most of the money I spend is on food. If you looked at a month worth of purchases, you will see a long list of cafeteria and Safeway.

16) I love European history, but I hate how uncreative they were with names. I'm 'studying' for my midterm, and I got confused by all the people named Philip, or Louis, or John. Then they add in the numbers, but then leave the numbers out sometimes in the textbook. It can get very confusing.

17) However, I like my history with a dash of salt... lots of salt. Meaning, I love reading historical fiction. In particular, Ariana Franklin's work, or Donna Gillespie's.

18) I also like salt. A lot. Especially as double salted dutch liquorish. And yes, that is a black liquorish.

19) I'm half Swedish! And no, that does not mean I'm tall, blond and very chesty. It means I'm pale as a ghost, with some mixture of ginger, blond and light brown hair.

20) Not particularly a fact about me, but my dad looked like a Weasley when he was younger. In fact, he saw a picture of Ron Weasley on my Facebook page, and thought it was a picture of himself.

21) I'm very good at staying up late. Unfortunately, I'm pretty bad at getting up early. It doesn't work so well with school or work...

22) I'm a Zelda fan! Which should be pretty obvious from my last posts. I love having friends over to play Zelda with me, and it's een more fun when we dress up. I'm always Link.

23) I love snakes. And yes, I have held one before. Unfortunately, my mom hates them, so I can't have one until I move out.

24) I know archery and fencing. I took fencing for about three years. I was never very good at it though... I only did archery for a year, but I think I was getting pretty decent. School got in the way though, and I haven't had the time to take it up again.

25) I also know how to read and write in Runic. My great grandfather was a master in runes, so we inherited some books from him. I started to learn them, and got interested. There are so many different forms that it's impossible to know the 'right' form. I used the most popula, called Elder Futhark, which is similar to what Tolkien used in his books. And for the record, it is NOT Dwarvish! I've had people telling me it's not runic, it's dwarvish. Idiots.

26) I love the Lord of the Rings movies, but I could not get through the books. I reached the halfway point of the second book and gave up. I did however love the Hobbit, and I'm disappointed that the movie was cut into three movies. However, they did a pretty decent job with it.

27) I may be a writer, but I hate writing essays. I was pretty good at them in grade 12, but since coming to College, I think I've exhausted any skill I might have had. I just want all academics to be over with so that I can focus on Creative Writing.

28) Technology hates me. Especially the internet. It's constantly going down, often at the most inconvenient of times. My ipad is always crashing and my phone drains it's battery so quickly.

29) My room is bright green. When I painted it I had to promise my parents that I would help them paint it a neutral colour when they wanted to move out.

30) I also have an Alice-in-Wonderland type of chandelier in my room. It's black and whimsical looking, and I love it. I'm taking it with me when I move out.

31) I cannot do laundry. I mean, I can work the washing machine and the dryer, but as soon as I turn the machine on, I completely forget I have clothes in there, and they sit for the whole day, therefore making them smell like dirty water.

32) I prefer to have short hair. I'm currently growing my hair out now so that I have something covering my neck and ears during the winter, but in the summer I plan to chop it all off again so it can be short enough for a faux hawk.

33) Let's go back to my room, because my room is awesome. I have a wooden shield hanging on my wall that my dad made in high school. It has a metal rampant lion on it.

34) I also have a map of Middle Earth with the path the Hobbits took in Lord of the Rings. Above that is my Hogarts Acceptance Letter, and above that is my timeline of the Triforce.

35) The first thing most people see when walking into my room is a large poster of the Mad Hatter hung right above my bed. People always wonder how I can sleep with that there, but no one seems to realize that I'm not craning my neck up to see what it right behind my head...

36) I have only sung twice in public (outside of elementary school choir), and that was at my friend's karaoke birthday party

37) When I do homework or play on my laptop, I prefer to sit on the ground than anything else. It can get uncomfortable, but as long as I stand up every few hours it's fine... And I'm pretty lazy...

38) I'm currently starting to freak out because the university I applied to still has not gotten back to me, and I need to apply for the program by the end of March...

39) I hate how people call it Game of Thrones, when the series is actually called A Song of Ice and Fire. However, I did just buy a Game of Thrones calendar, and I feel like I can call it that because it uses pictures from the show, which is called Game of thrones.

40) The farthest from home I have ever been is Europe. More specifically, Rome, Florence, Venice, Sweden and Paris. It was a good vacation.

41) When I buy a hard cover book, I prefer to take the sleeve off and leave the cover blank. It looks more like an old fashioned book, and in my opinion, makes it look much better.

42) I'm very competitive when it comes to video games. Except for Super Smash Brothers Brawl... Then I'm just surprised if I don't lose, since I have no idea how to play and I just button mash... But in Mario Kart...

43) I swore that I would never work at McDonalds because of how disgusting and greasy it is. Then I got a job at a Fish and Chips place where most of the food is deep fried. At least where I work everything is fresh and real.

44) I love writing poetry, but i don't really care for reading it. Especially when you really have to weed through the poem to figure out what it means... Then write an essay on it. I think my view on it's been corrupted because it's always been as homework, so I've never really enjoyed it when I've read it.

45) However, my favourite poem is Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen. The first time I read this poem was in school, but it was just for fun, so maybe that's by I love it.

46) My favourite author is Brandon Sanderson, but Brent Weeks and Kristen Britain are close behind. However, my favourite book series is The Wheel of Time, which was written by Robert Jordan. Unfortunately, the rest of Jordan's work has never attracted me.

47) I am a huge fantasy fiction nerd. It's pretty much all I read, with the occasional exception for historical fiction, and even that can be fantasy related.

48) When I am looking for new books, I look at the cover first, then choose if it looks good enough to read the back. The thing is, with fantasy fiction, a lot of the time that actually helps. Most fantasy books have covers that depict a scene or an important part of the book. I hate how teen fiction will, for example, have a picture of an apple, then be all about some wimpy vampire. It has no relation and is never mentioned in the book, so what is the point?

49) I played soccer for about eight years. Then I couldn't find a team anywhere even close to where I live, so I had to give it up for a year. After that I just haven't had the time or motivation to find a new team. I would like to go back though.

50) And final one! I wish I had saved something super cool, but as it is, I've run out of steam. Anyway, when someone takes a picture of me with flash, there's a good chance that my skin will look like it's glowing. Yeah, that's the Swedish skin...

1 comment:

  1. It wasn't quite three years, more like three months each year, for three years. XD

    And yes, it was at your birthday. XD I hope next year they have more Disney songs. =]
