Read it Before you Steal it!

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Wednesday, 13 February 2013

An... Award Nomination?

So my friend Vanessa Wong seems to have nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award, of which I have no information about. I'm still rather new to blogging and I'm pretty clueless to anything outside of my own blog. It makes me feel like a reclusive... But, well... I kind of am. Anyway, thank you Vanessa! I have no idea how to tag people, but  trust you'll be reading this anyway. I'm just going to go ahead and answer your questions.

1) How old were you when you started to wear makeup? 
I was in grade ten, right after coming back from Europe, so that would have made me... about 14? My math is terrible. 
2) Coffee or tea?
This is really sad, because I just started working at Starbucks, but I'm not a big fan of either. I can stand having a mocha, and I love iced teas, but I can't have straight coffee, and even a mixed coffee drink is too much for me, and teas need a lot of sugar... A lot.
3) What's the first thing you notice when you look at a person?

I've never really thought about that... It's strange, but I guess the hair. If they're smiling, then the teeth. I like clean-looking teeth...
4) How are your New Years Resolutions going?
I kind of gave up on making those... Like, five years ago...
5) If you could travel anywhere in the universe, where would it be?

The closest planet similar to Earth. I really love thinking about places that could hold life, intelligent or not. I love thinking of how their culture and people would be like, and how they would react to humans. Most of the time I would hope they're still in the medieval era. I would love to visit a planet almost exactly the same as Earth, but a millennium behind our own time.
6) Do you like your height or do you wish you were taller/ shorter?
Sometimes it would be nice if I was a bit taller. I still feel like I should be growing, but as long as I stay around shorter people, I'm good.
7) Have you ever had braces or headgear?
I had braces for about a year. I was really lucky that my teeth were nearly perfectly straight (I had to have one tooth slightly rotated) The problem with my mouth was a large overbite that made it hard to eat pizza... So we paid a ton of money to have my lower jaw moved 5mm forward, and to make it easier for me to eat pizza... Yeah...
8) Is your room a mess or super tidy?
It's a kind of organized chaos... My desk is hopeless. I've decided it's not even worth cleaning anymore, so I use it as storage. I have all my old textbooks and my video game stuff under it, and everything else on top. Then I have a ton of school stuff for my current semester in the opposite corner, along with jackets and other stuff... I have organization, it's just kind of lazy organization...
9) Are you a gamer? If so what's your favorite game at the moment?
I wouldn'd classify myself as a gamer, since I only really enjoy a few games, and I've only ever owned nintendo consoles. I think to be a true gamer you need to be able to play on at least three different game consoles, and a computer. However, I do enjoy playing Legend of Zelda, some Mario games, and Age of Empires on the computer. And the Sims, of course, but for some reason I just don't include that as gaming...
10) Quickly summarize a memorable dream you had while sleeping.
Oh man, this is going to be fun, and most definitely not quick. So I'm part of a colony of water centaurs. Don't question why, I guess I just liked centaurs and sea horses? Anyway, the leader of the tribe decided that we wanted a relic that the humans were keeping in their fortress. So we packed into some canoes (I think he magically turned human here...) and started to storm the fortress. The dream turns kind of fuzzy here, but at some point I was poisoned by some flower on my back and my POV turned to the leader. He managed to gather the relic, which seemed to be broken up into small triangles, and glowing slightly blue. We loaded the pieces onto carts, but I was captured, along with my son. Luckily, for some reason, the relic created with glowing blue path that was able to send me home. This part was kind of fuzzy. I want to say that we wre floating, but also in a canoe that moved by itself, but then I remember the water splitting to make a path along the middle of the river. Either way, we got back, and were sad that the rest of the tribe had not returned yet. At that point, I (as the original POV) washed down the river. Apparently that poisonous flower isn't poisonous as long as I'm either under water or it's night time. So we are all happy because I'm alive, and honestly, that's all that matters. Then we realize that our own fortress has been taken over by Amazon women. So we go to fight them off. I somehow end up on a very high ledge, and I'm fighting off a couple Amazons with a morningstar. There's a third one though, so I roll a rock to go squish her. At that point I realize that it's daytime, and I'm above water, so I either blacked out, or jumped from that ledge.
At this point I woke up.
It was awesome.
11) Bold eyeshadows or flattering neutrals? Perhaps a mix?
Uh... I don't wear eyeshadow. I feel like it's just too much on me, and that I'll look like a hooker if I wear any. Don't get me wrong, I think it looks beautiful on many people, but I already wear thick eyeliner and mascara, and I think that's enough. Even that would be a little too much if my glasses didn't make my eyes look smaller.

Now apparently I'm supposed to nominate eleven other blogs... But I only follow three, and of which is Vanessa's, and the other two have not been updated in a very long time. So.... I'm just going to leave it off here. Besides, as I said before, I have no idea how to tag people...

1 comment:

  1. XD Seemed pretty easy to me. =] Maybe it just runs in the family... Or in the siblings?

    But yeah, I've been trying to think of ways to adapt that dream into a short story, maybe a fantasy comedy. XD
