Read it Before you Steal it!

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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Saturday, 16 February 2013

I'mma Just Going to... Sleep...

As the title suggests, I am very tired. And as you might have noticed, it is very late on a Saturday night, which means that I missed my Friday update, and I apologize to anyone who freaked out (kidding). My excuse is work, since I worked every day from Saturday to Thursday, whether at Starbucks or the Museum. Then I had another Zelda party on Friday, and more work today.

I believe I mentioned in my last post that I got a job at Starbucks. Since it was my reading week, I was able to stuff all my training into one week. This also meant that I had at least 24 hours or trained work, then I also had another two days as a full worker. I think by the end of today, I've worked a total of about 42 hours... And yes, I did just add that all up on a calculator, because I am too tired to do simple math. Now I'm not complaining, far from it. I'm overjoyed that I have a job now, and it's a lot less stressful than I originally thought it would be. I have a pretty bad memory, so I was scared about learning all the drinks. Ends up a lot of them are very similar. I'm still not very good with iced or blended drinks, but I figure as soon as it gets warmer out, I'll get a lot more practice.

Anyway, on Thursday, which was Valentines Day, instead of going on a date or anything, I worked from 9:30 in the morning to 6:00, at which point my parents picked me up to drive me to a book signing done by Brandon Sanderson. I got in line around 6:30, and left around 9:30, so three hours in line. About an hour of that wait was either spent waiting for Sanderson to actually come out (it started at 7), then there was a Q&A and a very brief reading from the book (the famous first paragraph from the first chapter of each Wheel of Time book). The last time I went to his signing (a couple years ago), I was in line for about three to four hours. I had gotten there an hour late, so the line was huge. This time I arrived half an hour early, so that probably cut the wait down for about an hour. All in all, from waking up around 7:30 and getting home around 10:00, I had been sitting for a total of two and a half hours. Needless to say, I wasn't able to feel my feet for the rest of the night. Then to next day my right calf hurt... Just my right one.

Which brings me to my Zelda Party! (A lot happened this week, I'm sorry) Kyra dressed up at Tingle, so I dressed up at Link. Then we (Shaina, Brandi, Kyra, my mom and myself) went to Walmart... We didn't get as many stares as I thought, but if we don't end up on the People of Walmart, I will be very disappointed. Actually, I seriously think I will submit a photo myself. Although I just checked it out, and you apparently have to live in the states to submit a photo to that website. Dang... Anyway, we bought some post-Valentines Day chocolates and ingredients for home mad mac 'n cheese, then we lost my mom and had to wait outside for almost half an hour. One of the employees gave us a funny looks, then smiled, and another customer asked Kyra is she was an elf. I'll post pictures at the end of the post.
When we got home we played some Skyward Sword, then took some pictures, then played more Skyward Sword. In total, we played about ten hours, though about an hour of it was just when the game was on and we were out doing something else. Still... We started at the boss fight in the first temple, and now we're just starting the Ancient Cistern temple, so that's about two whole temples done, along with a bunch of other side stuff and preparation to get to the water temple, including the damned Silent Realm.

Okay, so the party was great. Only Vanessa slept over, but that was okay. We played a bit more in the morning, then she went home and I continued to just kind of wander around Skyloft... Then I had to start work at 5:15 and was supposed to end at 9:15, but I was closing by myself, and I ended up getting out of there at around 9:35... I'm hoping it will be a lot sooner on Tuesday when I have to close again. I was just paranoid that a customer will come and want a food item that I had just thrown out (because it's no longer fresh after a certain amount of days). So I waited a little too long and then had trouble wrapping all the food up, because I am terrible with Saran wrap. But still, it was only a little over fifteen minutes late, which is still almost half an hour sooner than I expected... And I know I will improve. I don't think they expected me to do an absolutely perfect job, as long as I did the import things.

And now I need some sleep. I have tomorrow off, which I will be spending reading my book for class. It's 150 pages long, which is funny because there's a chapter in A Memory of Light that is 195 pages long. I've been on that same chapter for days now (I had to take a break to start reading my school book, I'm honestly not that slow of a reader.) But it really messes with me, because when I read in bed, before going to sleep, I like to get to the end of the chapter. I still have, like, thirty pages to go until the end.

Anyway, here are some of the best pictures!

This is us at Walmart, Shaina was taking the photo.

This is the most bad-ass I have ever looks. And yes, that is a sock sewn to my back. I use it as a sheathe for my sword.

I was trying to imitate how Link runs in Skyward Sword when you don't put his sword away and you hold the wii remote upwards. Then Tingle started to either imitate me, or wanted to hit me...

Tingle trying to be as Awesome as Link

The Tingle smolder

The Lazy Tingle. It was a little too late, but we should have brought a bottle of beer for her to hold.

And then just a quick photo of me at the book signing

I know there are more photos, but I can't seem to find them while stalking people's pictures on Facebook. I don't own a camera, so I only have one photo on my phone, which I'm too lazy to get off of it.

1 comment:

  1. XD Yeah, he's popular among the fantasy fiction genre, but otherwise pretty unknown. It was the book that was the most popular though, so a lot of people were there that had never read anything else by Brandon Sanderson.

    XD I find it hard to believe, since you were at my house most of Friday. XD
