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Friday, 1 February 2013

Story Number Two

My second short story for my speculative fiction class is coming up next week (I kind of forgot about it...) and I need help picking the plot. I have about four in mind.

1) Evil Sandman
   I used something like this for my fiction class, but that was only two pages long and wasn't really what I wanted to go for. This time it will be evil. The Sandman is a supernatural creature who keeps a strict curfew by killing (or warning) anyone who is found out of bed after dark. He's not technically an actual being who everyone knows and fears. He's more like a thought and a fear that everyone obeys, kind of like most people follow the law, not because it's an actual thing, but because it's engrained in our minds that we cannot break it. Anyway, a young woman and her family start to challenge this idea, and of course, they're punished. She finds them all killed, but before she can be killed too, someone comes to save her. Ends up this man is part of a race who has been fighting a war against the Sandman for years. he takes her to a dream world, where the Sandman is trying to overthrow the people, and in the process is giving the humans in the real world nightmares.

2) Ancient Rome
   I'm really hesitant about this one, because the main character is a vampire. However, there is not a chance it will be some pansy that hates killing and sparkles in the sun. They won't even be the sophisticated and beautiful vampires from Interview With a Vampire. They will be the stone cold, heartless monsters that they should be (if they were real, of course). They will look lie humans, so they could be beautiful, or they could be ugly, but when they get angry, or when they're about to kill, their eyes turn completely black, their jaw extends, all their teeth (not just the canines) extend into razor sharp fangs and their veins rise close to the surface of their skin in a dark red shade. The idea of the plot is that they have been discovered in ancient Rome and now are an attraction in the Coliseum. Some people wish to break them out though, whether for ethical reasons, or for their own gain.

3) Dark Circus
   This is kind of a cliché, so once again, I'm a little hesitant to use it. I also touched on this in my fiction class, when I did a character sketch. However, I barely even hinted at the plot in that one assignment. This time I'll go full in. The plot is that there's a dark circus that seems to appear and disappear without notice. It appears just outside a small town and lures everyone in. The ringmaster is actually a demon who feeds on the souls of the spectators. The catch is that the main character is a young man, gifted with foresight, or able to see the future. He warns as many people as he can while staying under the radar of the Ringmaster. The whole idea is still kind of blurry, and I have no idea how it'll end (since I have to end it, I can't write it as a chapter)

4) Supernatural killer
   This is the one I'm most unsure about. The idea is that there is a slumber party, and at it a bunch of girls are playing MASH. Part of the game is that they include how they're going to die. Later that night, the supernatural killer comes and kills them in the way that was predicted. The host, however, never had a chance to play the game, and is the only one left alive. It's another rather cliché one, and I'm not very good at horror, so I'm not sure how well this will play out...

So those are my four ideas. Bear in mind that I will have two more stories after this one, so I can use three of these plots eventually.

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