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Wednesday, 31 July 2013

I Was a Gullible Child

A Youtuber I've been watching recently did a show based on what they used to believe. I thought it was an interesting idea, so I'm going to some the same thing.

1) When I went to the dentist, I thought that cavities were little bugs or germs that ate your teeth. I had no idea that cavity meant a hole.

2) Now I must have known this before, but yesterday I just realized that there are 31 days in July. I thought the months went 30-31-30, and because August has 31 days, I automatically thought July had 30. Since then I've been taught the knuckle trick, where the knuckle is a month with 31 days, and the groove between the knuckles is a month with 30 or less days. However, I've managed to convince half the people at work that there are 30 days in July...

3) When I was younger, my aunt gave my sister and I some of her old toys. One of them was a barbie that had hair that grew. All you had to do was turn a little dial on her back. There wasn't much left when my sister and I got it, but we thought it was endless. So we cut all the hair off. Later, I tried to do the same with all my other barbies, thinking that their hair would grow back. It didn't.

4) Because my dad used to play Hockey, for some reason I got it into my mind that he played professionally. I asked him once if I would see him on TV, and the said that he would be on very late at night. So that night, when I was at a sleepover at my friends' house, I told them that we had to stay up late to watch my dad play hockey. Of course, we had no idea what channel or what time, and we probably fell asleep early.

5) I also believed my dad was part of the Beatles. He was a huge Beatles fan, and when I was really young he would sing 'Close Your Eyes' (might not be the title of the song, I can't quite remember it). It was also around this time I would go around the house singing the chorus for 'Yellow Submarine'. All day. Every day. I'm now realizing that I was not only gullible, but very annoying...

The ironic thing is, I can remember the point when I realized Santa wasn't real. I was probably around seven or so, and I was playing with the doll house I got for Christmas. I think it was in the summer, so probably about six months after I got the doll house. Then it suddenly dawned on me I had actually watched my dad make part of this doll house. Now I didn't think that my dad was Santa, or worked for Santa. As far as I can remember, I just kind of thought 'hey... Santa didn't give me this.' Then again, I could have been traumatized and just repressed the memory...

But for the record, I never believed in the Easter Bunny. My dad had tried to claim he saw it once, but I just laughed at him... I did believe in the Tooth Fairy though, and I still find it amazing, and kind of disturbing, that my parents could reach under my pillow to take the tooth and place a coin without me waking up. Imagine if it was a murderer?

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