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Saturday, 20 July 2013

Happy List

I did it again, I'm sorry. I have a terrible memory. Today I'm going to a co-worker's baby sower though, so I don't have time now to write anything new. Not too long ago though I answered a few writing prompts, so I'll just post those for today.

Make a list of everything that makes you happy now
-A pleasantly warm day followed by a cool night
-Getting off work when the sun is still shining
-Being in enough shape to walk up a hill without wheezing for breath by the top
-When the radio at work plays good music for once
-Getting all my plans for school in order
-Having those plans disrupted upon finding out I’ve been accepted into UBC
-Organizing my book shelf to accommodate new books
-Finally getting better at driving standard (soon I’ll be able to drive on hills!)
-Wasting a whole day playing video or computer games
-New movies showing up on Netflix that I would actually watch
-Knowing that The Hobbit: Part 2 is coming out this year
-Re-watching Lord of the Rings for the hundredth time
-The sound of rain (even if it is just the sprinkler)
-Finding out I’ve earn 86 cents of interest after six months of having a tax free savings account
-The anticipation of reading a good book
-Fantasizing about the creation of a Wheel of Time movie
-The thought of having one class when school starts (and being able to meet new people)
-Earning more money than I spend
-Being able to sleep under a duvet rather than a sheet
-Remembering that I’m having my second piece published in the Douglas Anthology
-Imagining that my dreams of becoming a writer will come true (even better if I become famous)
-Waking up to find that my dreams of being late for work are only dreams

I feel uneasy about…
My future. I think it’s a fairly common thing to feel uneasy about. It’s one of the few things we cannot predict accurately. No matter how much we plan and work to make everything perfect, all it takes is one small change and everything will crumble. I’ve taken a dangerous path for my future, a path that requires me to overcome obstacles that I’ve put there myself. I might have help starting this climb, but near the end it’s all on me. I cannot rely on anyone to push me forward or pull me up, though on occasion someone might extent a helping hand when I fall to the ground. I could have taken an easier path, but where’s the fun in that? Why should I take the gentle slope when I can climb a cliff? Sure, I might fall and break some bones, but when I get to the top, the achievement is that much more important. I could never bring myself to work a job I hate, sitting at a desk all day answering phones and typing e-mails. Even if it means sitting at a desk all day typing words that I may not even use. It’s the end that matters, that little light at the end of the tunnel that I will reach for when in the middle of the gloom. No matter if that light is a sputtering candle or the brilliance of the sun, at least it’s something.

What is your favourite taste and why? What memories does it evoke?
As a very picky eater, this isn’t very hard, though it is rather ironic. I favourite taste would have to be chocolate mousse, despite the fact that I’m not a big fan of chocolate. I don’t eat it in chunks, such as in solid bars of chocolate, or Smarties or M&Ms. I do love it in ice cream form though, but mostly as chocolate mousse. It’s very light and fluffy, and doesn’t feel like I need to be eating it with something to wash it down with. Mostly I love it because my grandma used to make it from scratch. She would buy a massive block of chocolate, and make a whole bowl of it when we had family dinners. Even if I was stuffed from dinner, I would always have at least two platefuls of her chocolate mousse. It’s one of the things I miss about her; her amazing cooking (especially with sweets and desserts). I haven’t had chocolate mousse in ages, as the only way I know how to make it is from a box, and it’s just not the same. Maybe someday I’ll root out a homemade recipe.

I feel helpless when…
There is a spider or bee near me.

Alright, in all seriousness, when someone is sad. I have no idea how to comfort people. My best cure is to make people laugh, and sometimes that’s not appreciated. I understand that sometimes people just have to be sad, such as when they’ve lost a loved one, and cracking jokes to make them smile is just wrong. But I don’t know what else to do. I’m a naturally happy person, and when I am sad, I suck it up and put on a smile. But obviously you cannot tell someone to just ‘suck it up’ after their grandma has died. So what do I do? I guess I could give a hug, but that makes me awkward, and still doesn’t do much. Hugs aren’t as magical as they’re portrayed in movies. I hate talking it out, because often I can’t relate to why someone is being sad, and I just end up nodding and agreeing. Oddly enough, people still come to me to talk about it. I suppose it’s because I like to rant, so they think I’ll be good to chat with? I cannot solve relationship problems; I’ve never even been in a relationship. I cannot do anything when a loved one has died, and I can’t bring back friends who have moved away. So what is there to do?

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