Read it Before you Steal it!

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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Thursday, 11 July 2013


Dang it, I got distracted by Youtube videos and forgot it was Wednesday. Today it was a ton of Lord of the Rings out takes and bloopers. Very entertaining. However, I also worked the opening shift at work, and later went to the eye doctor. So guess what! Time for a rant!

I've been really excited to go to the eye doctor lately, because my eye sight gets continually worse every year. I thought I was at -7 already, but it ends up I'm only at -6.25. That's still pretty bad though! Now I've been meaning to get a pair of prescription sunglasses for a long time, but I've never had the money or time... or effort. Today, right after getting home, I went straight to Clearly Contacts to look for sunglasses. I found some nice pairs for a good price, but for some reason it wouldn't let me get them at sunglasses. So my mom and I called them to see what was up. Ends up I am too blind for sunglasses. That's right. My eyesight is so bad, they will not make lenses strong enough for sunglasses. I can get regular glasses, but there is something with sunglasses. The sad part is, I'm sure that part of the reason why I'm so blind is because I have not worn sunglasses for years. Probably for at least six years, maybe more.
So I'll head over to Costco when I have time and see if they have anything inexpensive there. I'll probably end up spending about $200 on a pair of sunglasses though, since I need them prescription.

And now the second part! I may have mentioned this before in another rant, but I really hate how people with glasses are portrayed in movies and TV shows. If we lose our glasses, we do not walk around like zombies, with our hands out in front of us to make sure we don't run into anything. We can still see blurs, and a blur will generally mean there is something in front of us. We may say we're blind, but we can still see well enough to know the difference between a hallway and a damned wall. Now on the other hand, if we drop our glasses in something with a lot of texture, such as dirt, then yes, we probably will have to grope around to find them. (depending on how bad our eye sight is, and how well our glasses blend in with the ground) Normally we would be smart enough to know the general area where they dropped though, and will not stand up to look for them, therefore stepping on them. It's like people with glasses are portrayed as the smart ones, and the second the glasses fall off, they lose all common sense.

And now, I need sleep. I've had way too much sugar and not enough sleep...

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