Read it Before you Steal it!

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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Happy Birthday, Canada!

Alright, belated birthday. I didn't even turn my laptop on until about ten minutes ago. I've barely been in the house today, and any time I have been home, I've been downstairs, away from my laptop, where it's cooler. Because summer finally arrived. So instead of doing a Character Conversation, I'll do a list!

Why I Love Canada (tacky, I know.)

1) We love to make fun of ourselves by mocking how polite we are. It's a good thing! I would much rather be a polite but submissive person than some arrogant ass hole.

2) We're known for our friendliness, rather than our moronic leaders, overweight and dim witted citizens and history of violence. *coughamericacough* Sorry, that was uncalled for... some moronic leaders, a couple handfulls of overweight and dim witted citizens and action movie violence.

3) it's beautiful. All I have to do is walk for  few minutes and I'm in the forest. A lot of people aren't so lucky, but most cities in Canada (or at least BC) make some effort to provide green space, even if it's a park in the middle of high rises and office buildings.

4) Everyone loves us... Okay, that's probably a hyperbole, but it's true to an extent. When you go travelling, if you're showing off a Canadian Flag, then people are more likely to be friendly to you. I guess this goes alone with being known for our friendliness.

5) Everything is so diverse. I guess technically everyone is an immigrant, even the first nations. But you look around now, and there are so many new immigrants, and new cultures. There are so many that these groups of cultures have pretty much become Canada. (Again, at least in BC. I cannot speak for anywhere else) There isn't really one specific culture that's considered Canadian. There are stereotypes, of course, but that's not a culture.

6) The weather is so neutral... Okay, it was... Kind of. There were thunderstorms, but at least I could sleep! Now it's summer, and the heat is unbearable. (It's like, 25 degrees or something...) I cannot image living in a climate that stays this hot for half the year or longer. I must be one of the only people that would be more than happy to live in a more northern climate to get away from summer.

7) Poutine. Nuff said.

And now I'm tired, so although there is more I could say, I'm going to head off to bed.

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