Read it Before you Steal it!

Creative Commons Licence
This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Friday, 31 August 2012

Look at That Sexy Beast in the Mirror

Sorry for the late post today; I normally write this around 12 in the morning, but I forgot before I went to bed last night...

Like I said on Wednesday, I'm actually going to talk about something that I find rather series, although the title may say otherwise.

I'm noticed that a lot of girls have self esteem or image issues, no matter how pretty they are, they cannot see it. I admit, I am one of those, but instead of complaining, I push it to the back of my mind and remind myself that looks is not everything. I honestly wish that everyone else could do this.

Now you're probably thinking, 'But Afy, you're so skinny!' Weight is the foremost complaint from women, I find. Yes, I am skinny. No, I do not feel lucky for it. I wish I could be one of those girls with a curvy body. All I really have are knobby angles... Having a body of skin and bones is not attractive! Seriously, what girls wants to have smaller boobs than a fat man? Please, don't starve yourself for what you think is the ideal body, you'll just end up looking like a skeleton with flesh. Now I'm not saying go out every day for fast food, of course. I respect girls who are comfortable with having meat on their body. I don't respect people who have let their body go so badly that they need one of those electric scooters to get around.

Although body image and weight seem to be the most important to girls, I have also noticed that make up is used far too often and too heavily. I do use make up, so I can't say it's completely bad. However, I only wear it when I'm going out, and even then it's just a little bit of cover up, eye liner and mascara. When you can clearly see the layer of cover up and blush, then perhaps you're using too much. I also never wear eyeshadow, because whenever I put it on, I look like a prostitute. There are a lot of people who can pull it off, but there are also a lot more people who use the wrong colour, or too much, and end up looking like some failed attempted at a Barbie doll. The natural look, however, works on everyone. (Except maybe if you have terrible acne...) Or, in my case, the lazy look, as most days I just don't want to spend the time to put make up on. 

However, I know that this rant will never convince most people that they don't need to be skinny or covered in make up to be beautiful. the ideal has been so ingrained in everyone's mind because of those damn drama shows. I was actually kind of hoping that Twilight would start a whole craze to be incredibly pale like a vampire. Apparently the need to look like Snooki won over though... Yeah, I'm not a fan of tans either, but I admit that I'm just being bias there.

Anyway, I'll leave you off with a poem a wrote a while ago:

Look at your hands.
Those hands are perfect for holding.
Look at your arms.
Those arms are perfect for hugging.
Looks are your legs.
Those legs are perfect for showing off.
Look at your stomach.
That stomach is perfect for embracing.
Look at you hair.
That hair is perfect for running fingers through.
Look at your eyes.
Those eyes are perfect for staring at.
Look at your lips.
Those lips are perfect for smiling.

So close your eyes and look.
Look inside of you,
At everything that is perfect.
Look not at looks, but at purpose.
For in the end,
It is the holding
The hugging,
The showing,
The embracing,
The feeling,
The staring,
The smiling,
That matters.
Purpose has no appearance,
But it's what makes you beautiful.

So if you must look,
Look at the outside,
But care for the inside.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Tattoos and Zelda

Today I learned that while sitting on the ground, I will naturally go into that 'sexy-anime' type of sitting.

Alright, now that I have gotten your attention--Or not, considering I'm pretty sure everyone who reads this is female--Unless you're some pervert. In that case... Awkward-- Anyway, today I was late for my own party.

Not a birthday party, just a Zelda party. But first my friend got her arm tattooed. We bussed out to the parlour at around 10:45, at which time I nearly missed the bus because I could have sworn she had told me 11:40 (I checked my texts, she did say 10:40). So that's how I found out yet again that I am very out of shape, and a simple quick walk to the bus stop caused me to start breathing hard.

So yada yadya yada, arm got tattooed, lots of freaking out but no tears. It looks great. I would post a picture, but I'm too lazy to take it off my phone, or to even get it off of Facebook. Maybe I'll just post a link to her blog, and maybe she'll put something up later. If you're interested, the quote says;

"The bond that links
your true family
is not one of blood
but of
love and respect"

It's perfect for her, but I won't go into details, as it's also pretty personal.

After getting that all done, it was around 1:30, and I had set the party to start around 3:30. But stupid me forgot that buses take an eternity to get anywhere. Damn buses. Besides, we had to drop by the mall to buy candy and pop, so that my guests wouldn't starve or thirst. Yeah, ends up I got home around 4:00... After two of my guests had already arrived. Luckily, my three other guests were with me at the tattoo parlour.

We had a jolly good time; two of them were drawing pictures of everyone else... or a guy from the bus... two of us were playing Skyward Sword, and the other two were just watching or doing their own thing. But hey, the lovely Kyra brought tie-dye cupcakes with different Zelda symbols in frosting. I still have two left, so maybe if I feel inclined to get off my lazy ass tomorrow, I'll eat half of one and take a picture. It was also around this time, after Kyra had drawn a picture of me, that I found out I would make a super sexy anime character. Seriously, I have that w-shaped sitting position down perfectly. You know, the one that everyone thinks is incredibly painful. Okay, I'll stop making it awkward now...

Later we switched to Ocarina of Time, but got sick of it really quickly when Link died in the Deku tree... From Deku Baba's... Apparently Ellisa doesn't know how to work a gamecube remote.

Then we switched to Windwaker so that Kyra could get me through the Hero Temple, or whatever it's called. The electric chuchu's freak me out, not to mention the raising and falling water levels. Yeah... I'm not a strong swimmer and even cartoon water like that will tend to scare me... However, once she was getting near the end, the CD somehow got ejected from the wii and the game said there was an error, therefore ruining about an hour's worth of work. She ended up taking the memory card home so she could get through it. I just hope she let's me kill all those monster's in the weird mansion under the water... Oh, and spoiler alert about that part of Windwaker...

That just about sums it up. Only Sianna is sleeping over though, because everyone else apparently has a life outside of Zelda, which they have to get back to tomorrow. *scoff*

Now, I'm going to mention something about next weeks blog. Unless something super amazing happens that I have to talk about, I'll probably be going into something a little more serious. However, it is me, and I find it very hard to be completely serious, so I'll make a joke here and there, which will also make it seem like I'm making fun of the subject from time to time. I'm saying this now; I have no intention of making fun of anything but myself. I do not mean to offend anyone, got it?
But you're probably asking why the hell should you care? You don't really need to. I'm mostly putting this here as a reminder to myself about what to write on Wednesday. It's the whole 'mind of a goldfish' thing again... Maybe I should cut down on those goldfish crackers...


Just some pictures from my last Zelda party. I didn't take any this time because we didn't dress up... and I forgot.

For anyone curious, I was Link, Sianna was Malon, Vanessa was Tetra (zelda in Windwaker) and Kyra was Aryl (Link's little sister in Windwaker)

Now, off to bed!

Monday, 27 August 2012


Alright, so as I mentioned in my first post, I don't know much about blogs. I certainly don't know if 51 page views in my first week is normal, or if five of those views being from Russia is average. But I'm just going to go ahead and be proud anyway.

But anyway, I had something I wanted to write about on Friday, then I forgot about it, then remembered it yesterday. And have forgotten it again by now. Mind of a goldfish, I have. So yeah, I'm just going to ramble on about how my weekend was.

The reason I posted my Friday blog on Thursday was because I was heading over to the island for my aunt's birthday party. My dad and I started bussing there early Friday morning, and because of that I didn't want to bring my laptop. It's damn heavy and would have made my bag even bulkier. I did have my ipad, and I guess I could have tried to update it through that, but anyone who has an ipad, or even an ipod touch, knows how annoying the keyboard can be for long posts like these.

The party was a lot of fun. The veggie dip was amazing, and I got to drink my first juice box in years. My dad tried to drink from one, but didn't realize you can't squeeze the box after you put the straw in, so he got juice on his glasses.

Funny story, actually, while we were waiting for the ferry. I was on my ipad, and my dad happened to catch a glimpse of a small Harry Potter photo, with Ron Weasly in it. He automatically thought it was himself in the photo, because apparently when he was younger he had thick red hair. I've actually seen a photo of him when he was younger. I think he looked more like Fred and George. In short, my dad looked awesome.

But enough about him. It was my aunt's birthday, after all. Although, there really isn't anything I can say that won't bore everyone. The party was fun, but you had to have been there to be entertained. simply writing about it won't do. Unfortunately, I didn't even take any photos.

Ah, here is something that some people might find interesting. At the party, while meeting all these new people, our future and school paths came up. As you should know, I have my sights set on being a novelist. So I told everyone that I'm in college, and planning on going to university for a creative writing program. I then proceeded to tell them about this blog, and that one of my short stories from my personal narrative class is being published in the winter version of my college's creative writing book. That means I will officially be published, even if I don't get any money.

Well, hopefully I'll remember what I wanted to write about by Wednesday. Maybe I'll write it down next time to remember... Oh, and now that I know that there are people beyond my friends reading this, I'm going to be keeping my personal information to a low. Just a little paranoia I have, thanks to my dad always telling me to never give out my personal information.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012


Alright, so I've decided that I'll update this three times a week; Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Of course, that all depends on how I'm feeling when school starts, and moreso if I get a second job at Chapters...

Which I am more excited then I should be about. A few days ago my parents informed me that they had run into an old friend who works at Chapters. He told them that there is an opening at the store he works at, but it is the 5am stocking shift. Now anyone who knows me also knows that I like to sleep in until at least nine, more often nine thirty or even ten. So getting up at 4 at least three times a week will probably kill me. But that's okay, because it's Chapters. If I die surrounded by books, I think it will be with a grin on my face. I don't think anyone knows how happy I would be to work there.

However, I also have a job at Pajo's Fish and Chips. Now Pajo's is a lot of fun, probably the best starter job anyone can ask for. If it stayed open year round, I probably would be less inclined to even look for a second job. Since it closes in the fall, however, I need some other source of income during the fall and winter. Even so, lately I have been getting less and less shifts, and what I do get gets cancelled far too often. If not for school four days a week, I would be trying harder to get a job now. I'll just have to end up relying on seasonal work once Pajo's is closed.

For now I'm just really hoping Chapter's will hire me. Since it's an early shift, I would be able to work mornings before school starts, and my dad is even willing to alter his schedule enough to wake up an hour earlier to get me there.

Since I'm going to school four days a week, and every day I get off at 9:30, I won't have much time to do homework at home. Fortunately, I also have an hour break between two of my classes on Tuesday and Thursday, so I could get a lot of work done there.

And I must be boring everyone by now. I swear, I had something more interesting to write about earlier, but I completely forget. =/ Typical. Maybe it'll come back to me later. If it does, I'll quickly type it up as a bonus blog. XD Anyway, for now just wish me luck with the Chapter's job.

Monday, 20 August 2012

I Have No Idea What I'm Doing...

Hello hello! Welcome to my piteous attempt at a first time blogging. As you read you will probably be able to tell how new I am to this, and for this I apologize. Hopefully in time I will actually figure out what the hell I'm doing.

Anyway, my friends all call me Hanna, but from here on out, everyone shall know me as Afyvarra, or Afy for short. Why, you ask? I'll explain later, as this blog will be full of answers to 'why' questions.

First off, the most important thing you should know about me is that I am an aspiring writer. I have dreamed of it since grade six (Seriously, I have evidence in a school project about our future.) and although it took me a while to actually admit it to anyone, I am rather proud of it now. However, I am one of those lazy, 'do-it-later' type of people. It drives my dad up the wall. So, with this blog I am trying to make a change. And that should answer the 'why did you start a blog' question. Actually, it was my sister who finally put me up to it. Thank you, Emma, for encouraging me, let's see how long my enthusiasm for this will actually last.

Now this is not to say that I am not doing anything. I am currently in college studying creative writing. Hopefully by this time next year I will be all set up to start a creative writing program at university. Until then I am taking every creative writing course available at college... Except maybe screen writing. That might include acting, and I prefer not to make a fool of myself. 

By now you may be asking 'why is your writing shit?' (Okay, maybe it's just me asking that...) For me, there are two types of writing. One is a hobby, one is serious. I consider this here a hobby; writing to entertain myself and the select few who will bother to read this. Of course, I will proofread, edit and worry over every word until I cave in and press the publish button, submitting myself to the opinions of my peers and strangers.  I'm hoping this is just the whole 'you're your own worst critic' thing going on, and that my opinion of my own work is not echoed in everyone's mind. But hey, no writer can go without a few haters, right?

Now you've heard my ramblings about why I write, how about some more direct questions you may have:

The title is something I came up with within about ten seconds. I know most people struggle with titles, and I do quite often too, as you can see from the title of this blog. However, if there anything I am more proud of than my future career choice, it would be my name. There is a good chance you have no idea who the Norman's are, and I don't blame you (Even I get a little confused with them sometimes). Basically, they were a family of conquerors, one of whom was named William Norman, or William the Conqueror. But anyway, that's not too important. In short, I like my name, and I like to rant (or ramble, if you've noticed). Thus, The ramblings of a Normal Norman. And yes, it is supposed to be ironic. Many of my friends (and a few acquaintances) will agree that I am far from normal. For example, I constantly have my heads in the medieval clouds. I love everything about the medieval times and before. More on that subject on another day.

Ah, my 'name', or pen name, I suppose. It was important to first mention that I am a writer (sort of). The name Afyvarra is from a story I had started writing when I was much younger. What does it mean? Absolutely nothing. It belonged to a dragon, and I have since adopted it for anything that requires a username. I find it flows off the tongue, despite the amount of syllables. Try it yourself; Af-ee-vare-a. Amiright? Sounds like the name of an elf or some other magical creature. (Like a dragon)

Alright, so now you know a little more about me, probably enough to completely stalk me over the internet. You know that I ramble almost as much as Joseph Conrad in 'Heart of Darkness' (bloody boring book), and that what I write here is in no way or form my perfect, polish writing. Maybe in time, sure, but for now just let me have my fun. 

For future reference, I'll probably just be talking a lot about books, movies and TV shows I've seen, the latter two probably based off of books. It'll probably entertain people who like to read, and I'll do my best to entertain those that revile books and reading.