I have only one more final left! These exams have been dragged out over a whole week, and although that doesn't sound too bad, after four exams, it feels like it's been a month, and there's still two more days left. Anyway, just a quick post before I head off to bed. I guess you might want to know how I feel about each exam... Though probably not. Either way, that's what you're getting.
1) British Literature: Early to Renaissance.
This one I didn't really know how to study for. We were told what the questions might be like, but not what they were, so we just had to hope that we knew the poems. There were two n King Lear, one of which we had to do. That wasn't too bad, though I can't remember what exactly I had written about. Then there were several other options, ten, I think. We only had to pick five to write about, but it was harder than you would think. Unfortunately, quite a bit of importance was put on metaphysical poetry, and quite honestly, I cannot see it as more than just gibberish. It jumps from metaphor to metaphor with no easily apparent reason, and by the end kind of sounds like it was written by a mad man... But other than that, I think I might have done decently. I think my Lear paragraph might have saved me.
2) World Societies
This is the one I'm most confident about. We were given the questions ahead of time, so there was plenty to prepare for and study. It was, however, the most writing I've done. I finished two whole booklets and a couple pages from a third, which I think should equal twenty two pages, not back to back. By the every time I touched my thumb, it tingled, and I thought my pinky was about to start bleeding. If fact, I think that was the reason why I finished when I did. It was about two hour in, but I think I could have written a couple more lines, had my hand not hurt so much. But hey, it's okay now, even after my second english exam.
3) Astronomy
This one is kind of iffy. Since it is a science course, the final was factual, rather than interpretive, so I cannot get marks for having an interesting or well written reply. The math was multiple choice though, so I'm hoping that the answers I got are actually the right answers. The rest wasn't too bad, except for the fact that I completely forgot what Black Matter and Black Energy were... Each of which was worth six marks... Then there was the constellations. I think I got most of them, but we weren't given a word bank, so I probably spelled a couple wrong. Not to mention I'm pretty sure they weren't where they were supposed to be. Cygus was off in the top right corner, and Pegasus was on the opposite side of the page... And I might have read this wrong, but I thought it said that I get one mark for every two constellations I name correctly, and I could get a max of 24 points... But there wasn't even 24 constellations on the map... So maybe it actually said two points for every one named right.
4) British Literature: Restoration to WWII
This is the one I had tonight. I probably should have prepared more for it, since we were given the essay topic a head of time. But I got a little lazy, and the most I did was pick the poems I would write about, and started formulating stuff in my mind. While I was writing it, I was thinking, "This is amazing!" Then I started reading it over when I finished, and I started to think, "This is utter crap..." But I wasn't able to change it, unless I wanted to re-write the whole thing. So we'll see what happens...
5) Coming Soon!
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