Read it Before you Steal it!

Creative Commons Licence
This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Christmas Aftermath

It is now December 26th, a day after Christmas day and two days after Christmas Eve. Everything is finally starting to settle down, and I can take a breather to post those pictures I promised. Unfortunately, I don't have the time for energy to get permission from everyone to post their pictures, so everything I post will either include only me, or just objects/dogs.

My sister and I are the ones that wrap most of the presents, and for some reason it has become tradition to wrap them in my room. The picture is a little hard to see, but there were probably about fifteen presents in my room, and another five or so under the tree. My room is still a mess with wrapping paper, tape, ribbon and tags.

My mom bought a pen so that I could paint her some french nails. Since the pen was so easy to use, I decided to put some snowflakes onto my nails. Unfortunately, the quality of my camera makes them very hard to see.

These are the earrings that my cousin and his new wife gave me from Hawaii.

I have finally completed my Lord of the Rings collection, and all I need now is the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean to complete that series too.

I got a really nice small notebook in my stocking.

This is the nail manicure set. It works pretty well, but I'm not really sure what head to use... The two white ones in the box are pretty much the same, the silver one looks like something the dentist would use, the pink one is also similar to the white ones... but pink, and the puffy white one is too soft to make a difference... But I kind of went all out and now my nails are smoother.

The chocolate and candy cane lolly pop a family friend gave me.

The three tubes of scented chapstick, although they're a little hard to see in this picture.

Another small notebook.

Gloves that I can wear while playing on my ipad. Very handy, considering how often I will be bussing out in the cold next semester.

The case used to hold my Chapters gift card. I think we all agreed that it was the best one this Christmas.

And the actual gift card.

The earrings that my mom got me for my birthday, but forgot about and gave me for Christmas instead. One is a skull and the other is a peace sign.

There were a few small stocking stuffers too, like candy and pens and things like that. I also got the Sims 3 Supernatural, but it's downstairs and I'm too lazy to get it, so you'll just have to use your imagination. Maybe later I will post a picture of my Sim. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I did it on the 23rd, I think. But it was starting to chip, so I had to take it off. And unfortunately, think we forgot the pen at my aunt and uncles house.

    And yes! We must get together! Unfortunately, the only day I'm free is either tomorrow or January 1st...
