Read it Before you Steal it!

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Saturday, 15 December 2012

Christmas Zelda

Sorry for the late post, but I was having a party yesterday, and didn't have time to blog about it. But I have a bit of time between cleaning up from last night and when our next guests arrive.

At noon, Kyra and Brandi showed up, and it was around this time that we found out that the Wii is broken. Luckily, I also have a Gamecube, so we set that up. It's not in much better shape, since you have to spin the disk then close the lid fast and hope that it keeps going. But we got it working, and started playing the very first Legend of Zelda game. It was adorable, but harder in some parts than other. The most annoying was that your heart containers don't fill up easily. However, if they are full, you can shoot laser swords, that makes up for everything. And of course, the graphics are terrible, so what is supposed to look like a monster actually looks like one of those Scottish dogs, throwing a sword. Then there were vikings, globs of pudding and a triceratops that eats bombs. All in all it was pretty entertaining. The music started to get on my nerves after a while, and as I was trying to sleep, all I could hear was the Hyrule song playing through my head... Now it is the Song of Storms from Ocarina of Time.

Anyway, once Vanessa showed up, we ate some home made mac n' cheese, then Sianna showed up and we opened presents. Kyra made the best present I have ever seen, which I will post a picture of in a moment. When Liliana showed up, we started eating the chocolate fondue, and later Brittney showed up. Unfortunately, Brittney had to go home a few hours later.

Once it hit around 11, people started trickling off to bed. I think it was around one when Kyra went to bed, leaving Vanessa, Liliana and I to go play the Sims. Long story short, I made myself and albino man and a dog named Pongo Dongo.

Aright, I have to go clean up the rest of the house, because apparently when I have more than three friends over (I had six over yesterday) we end up using most of the dishes in the house. I think today will be the third load of dishes I have done since yesterday morning. But as promised, here is the picture:

The lighting is a little off, and the detail is pretty bad since it was taken with my phone. Kyra made all four of us aprons depicting characters that we represent from Legend of Zelda. On the left I am Link, Sianna is Malon, Brandi is Sheik, and Vanessa is Zelda. If I can, I'll try to get a better picture up of my apron. I also got my birthday present from Kyra, which is a picture of the Great Deku Tree and Link, but drawn to look like a scene from the Giving Tree by Shell Silverstein. It's pretty damn adorable, and very comfy. Again, I'll try to get a picture, if I remember.

Now, off to clean!

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