So, I'm super busy with school, so it looks like I'll be posting another quick list.
1) Even in your dreams you're wearing glasses
Or you vision is fuzzy. This happens more often than you would think. From the dreams I can remember, recent ones at least, most of the time my vision is fuzzy, and once in a while I'll be aware that I'm wearing glasses.
2) You don't even notice when your glasses need cleaning
Now, I only really clean my glasses once a week, sometimes only once every two weeks. So when I take them off, it's surprising how dirty they are. In fact, I seem to have permanent little dots on them. They look like water marks, but they don't come off easily, although they seem to be fading now.
3) When you automatically think that someone has to take their glasses off to rub their eyes in a book
I was reading Harry Potter several months ago, and when I got to the part that Hagrid was wiping tears from his eyes, I automatically thought of him taking his glasses off first. No matter what, I could not get that image out of my head.
4) You've actually written a poem (or story, blog, status, ect.) about what things look like without glasses
As I mentioned in my previous post, I've written a poem about what the moon and my room look like without my glasses.
5) You always carry around a spare pair of glasses, in case something happens to your regular pair
This is actually a very reasonable fear, especially if your eyes are as bad as mine. People are always asking me why I have glasses in my glasses case though... Sounds like a pretty stupid question, right?
Isn't it wonderful? XD I was cleaning my glasses while on the bus once, and when I put them back on, I realized that the windows weren't as dirty as I had though. XD