Read it Before you Steal it!

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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Monday, 26 November 2012

Famine Time!

For four years in high school I would do the 30 Hour Famine. I was pretty sad when I graduated and wouldn't be able to easily participate, since I had no idea how to set up anything, or even when it was. So last year I wasn't able to do it. Today, however, guess what I saw!

I was heading toward the library when I saw a booth with a tiny little poster for the Famine. Normally I just pass right by these booths, because it's for events that I would never go to. (Things like dances, and anything social...)

So anyway, apparently the famine is about four months earlier than I'm used to, but I guess it makes sense. They don't want to have the famine a few days before everyone's finals in the winter semester. Why they're having it a week before finals in the fall semester, I have no idea.

But I signed up anyway, and now I'll be desperately asking everyone for money. If you want to donate money to help families in developing countries, then just say so in the comments. I don't want to post the link because Blogger will probably lock my blog again... Or if you know me on Facebook, I have a link there too. It would be best if you could give me money in person, but I know everyone is busy... And pretty broke, so hit up your parents! Remind them of all the times they told their children to eat their food because there are starving kids in Africa. Now you can actually do something, rather than silently taunting them with a clean plate.

Personally, I think I'll be cleaning out my huge change collection, which I had been saving to buy Christmas presents for my friends. It's around $37, so really not that much, but hey, every dollar counts.

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