Read it Before you Steal it!

Creative Commons Licence
This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Monday, 12 November 2012

Name Change

Alright, due to the fact that the name of this blog does not quite fit the content, I've decided to change it a bit. Instead of being called 'The Rants of a Normal Norman', it shall now be named 'The Tales of a Normal Norman'. Much more fitting, don't you think?

Now, onto more interesting things. I have several large projects or essays that I need to start working on, so for now it'll be just pre-made work. I'm getting a little low and the good stuff though. Looks like I might have to go searching on the old computer for some things I haven't moved onto my laptop yet. Unless it would amuse you to read some things from middle school...

The first poem I wrote in grade ten. We were supposed to write a love poem, but me being me, I just couldn't do it. Well, not really...

Love at a Bus Stop

He risked everything for that one little glance;
The one glance that would tell him she still wasn't looking.
With piercing green eyes and vibrant red hair, 
In his mind she’s the goddess of beauty.
And the destroyer of courage.

Like a magician with his wand,
With that one glance he had risked,
His courage turned to smoke
And was carried away by the brisk morning breeze.

An eternity later, another risk, another glance.
A lost heartbeat, a caught breath.
A glare from those piercing green eyes.
Another breeze, lost courage, caught up by the wind.

The desolate clouds
Let go their heavy burden
And the sun shines through.

A frosted petal
Floats from the frail flower.
Fall is fleeing fast

In the heart of the city, there is a sunset on the safari.

Crisp wind, heatless sun, summer is finally turning into autumn.

I travelled through a tunnel of emerald trees, turning brown for fall

The last few poems are actually hiakus. Funny story, but for the second one, I had my whole family thinking for about half an hour for the right word to describe the flower. I finally thought of frail, but it goes to show that sometimes you cannot go on until you have that perfect word.

The wind chime tolls
In the still night air.

This one come to me when I quite literally heard it. I was in the kitchen and I heard a wind chime, but I could have sworn there was no wind. Kind of creepy when you think about it. The use of the word toll always reminds me of 'For Whom The Bell Tolls', a book by Ernest hemingway, but also a line from a poem by John Donne. Unfortunately, the name of the poem escapes me... Something about a graveyard, I thought.

And as per usual, I claim copyright over my work.

1 comment:

  1. XD Thanks Vanessa. Maybe I'll work on that one a bit, add some more and make it flow a little better.
