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Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Pet Peeves Part Two

There are so many more things that annoy me, so I decided to make another list of ten of my pet peeves. For the record, these are not in order of greatest to least, simple what happens to come to my mind first.

1) When parents think that school is less tiring than working
     I completely understand if you have a very taxing job, but most of the time parents will work at a desk job, or at least will be sitting all day. Now kids pretty much do this at school too, the only difference is that kids are learning, while parents are earning. It gets much more annoying when you add homework into the mix. A parent will come home and relax, while a kid will come home and have to work for several hours on homework. I just don't understand while parents insist on giving us more work by making us do chores. Yes, of course they raised us, feed us, shelter us and all that, but you would think that would be out of love, and would not need to be paid back in labour. The only exception is when the kids gets paid. I, however, very rarely got an allowance. Probably for the best, as I now will help people out and offer assistance without expecting anything in return, so I am a better person for it. It just still kind of annoys me.

2) When a really good book series ends
     I know a lot of people complain when a book series starts to get really long and dragged out, but I love that. I wish that book series never ended, because then I will always be able to enjoy them. he best example is Wheel of Time, where the author, Robert Jordan, just kept adding plot twists and more characters and events. What's worse, is that he died. So, after eleven books, Brandon Sanderson had to take over. Don't get me wrong, Brandon Sanderson is an amazing author and he has mimicked Robert Jordan's works almost perfectly, but it's really sad to know that the books may not be what they were supposed to be.

3) Teachers who think their students are geniuses
     You've probably had at least one teacher like this, who just keeps going and going, not bothering to stop to make sure everyone knows what's going on. Then they go so fast you can't take notes, and expect you to have come to class reading the thirty page long chapter, despite the fact that you have other classes with other homework. It's like they forget that their students have a life outside their classroom.

4) When you're just about to beat the boss, and you have one heart left, then it suddenly comes back to life and kills you
     So obviously I'm making a video game reference here. I play Legend of Zelda, and anyone who has played it too knows that almost all the bosses have about three stages, somethimes three stages with stages within that. So once you stun it for the third time, you figure that it should be the final time you have to go bat-shit on it's weak spot, then all of a sudden it springs back to life and swings a massive sword at you, thereby killing you and making you re-do the whole boss battle.

5) When the spellchecker on Chome (or firefox/safari) cannot figure out the word you're trying to spell, despite the word being one letter off from what you have
     Happens way to often. I swear, the internet browser is just trolling me. It's all 'Oh, you want to spell paralyse? Well parallel is close enough, so is familiarize and realize. Try one of those.' (This just happened to me in the last pet peeve; I finally had to use the word stun instead, because I was too lazy to bring up Then there is the autocorrect for ipods and ipads. After I had just won my ipad, I was trying to type something. I can't remember the word, but it was pretty basic, I was just unused to the keyboard and had tapped the wrong letter. Instead of changing it to something close (I think the word started with an m...) it changed it to iguana... The word didn't have a g or an i in it...

6) When my clothes come out of the wash smelling worse than before I put them in
     I'm pretty incapable of doing laundry. I now know how to work the washing machine and dryer, but I still forget about my clothes after I start a load, so they sit in the washing machine for several hours, therefore making them smell like dirty water. Then sometimes, when I actually remember, they still come out smelling off. It's always worst with the towels. I grabbed on today that smelled like dog pee. It really concerned me...

7) When people in my family cannot figure out that the garbage can is in the corner beside the counter, and not on the actual counter
     I swear, every time I have to do dishes, it includes clearing away garbage that people leave on the counter. I can't even say I understand leaving garbage in the sink to soak, since I have never had to soak anything before putting it in the garbage or recycling. It's just lazy people who find it easier to throw everything onto the counter and let someone else deal with it.

8) Looking on Craigslist for a job, and all the perfect jobs don't come with the establishment's name, location, phone number or anything else important
     It's always really sketchy when this happens. No matter how professional the rest of the ad is, if there is no name or location, I will never apply. I just don't see how an establishment could forget something as important as that. Maybe they really are looking for workers, but they're going to be very limited in who applies, because the smart people will stay away from ads like that, because of the risk that it's a scam.

9) Junk mail
     The worst part is, I only just started getting junk mail because of this blog. I was interested in looking at the links where people are directed to my blog from. One of them was a link from youtube, so I clicked on it. The video looked pretty harmless, though I can't remember what it was. Not long after that, I started getting dozens of junk mail a day. I have no idea how to make it stop, and out of everything I've mentioned, this has got to be the most annoying, simply because I trusted google to keep bad links and thinks like that off of blogger.

10) People who don't listen to reason
     As you probably read about a week ago, there was a girl who committed suicide because of bullying. There was a Facebook page set up in her memory, and although most people were sending good wishes, there were also some people who were being incredibly rude. No matter what was said to make them go away or to see how disgusting they were acting, they continued to act like complete asses. I cannot stand people who are so bull headed to think that they are always right, even if one hundred people are against them. It's even worse when they're being disrespectful at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. For some book series, I keep wondering when the next book will come out, then a remember that it ended, and I get sad. Wheel of Time will be ending in February, at least the book series. Then I will be able to look forward to the movies. =D
