Read it Before you Steal it!

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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Monday, 8 October 2012

Happy Birth... Week?

My birthday is in a little under a week, on this coming Saturday. But since Thanksgiving (for Canadians) was this week, we had family over. That meant both of my aunt and uncles and my sister; the house was very busy, especially with three dogs. The good thing is, we now have a fridge jam-packed with extra food.

We had turkey dinner on Saturday, then a huge breakfast on Sunday morning. My aunt and uncles left Sunday after noon, but not before giving me a birthday present;

I received a ton of candy.

Anyone that knows me well knows that I love candy. I even have a candy chest which at the moment just barely closes. To be more specific, I got a box of Nerds (already eaten) a large box of Jelly Bellies (Half gone... Especially the black liquorish), a Pez-like Wii controller candy dispenser, a tin of Ghostbuster themed candy, and some chocolates that have been formed and coloured to look like shells or colourful rocks. They're so pretty, I don't want to eat them.

Today my sister is leaving, pretty soon, I think. She gave me a present too, and inside was a very pretty mug with a green and black design on it, two packages of hot chocolate, a small container of candy with a label that says 'Cray People Pills', and a mint case in the shape of Link's shield. I think I might just bring that to my next Zelda party...
(And yes, that is what I look like without make up)

Anyway, just a short post today, since I woke up with a headache and it's still here. I was actually going to write something new, but that might have to wait until after midterms and after birthday parties and the like.

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