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Thursday, 11 October 2012

Amanda Todd

I promised you guys a new piece of writing, but something has come up that most of my readers are well aware of. Recently a fifteen year old girl who went to school close to where I live committed suicide because of bullying. Rather than describe everything, I`ll post her video at the end of this blog.

Unfortunately this is not an unusual event. The way I see it, bullying is a crime overlooked by the government, as if the fighting of the younger generation should be dealt by the younger generation. They deal with the adults that beat up other adults, but put too little effort into dealing with the youth that beat up youth. Why is it that bullying differs from assault? It's the exact same thing, but the consequences for the youth is a slap on the wrist and a day in detention. I know we cannot send all bullies to jail, just like we are unable to send all crime offenders to jail. We do not have the money, time or people to search out all the bullies in all the school in all of Canada, or even in one province. But the very fact that we must consider the effort and resources needed to do so is ridiculous. The act of bullying should not even be considered by the youth.

But of course, there will always be the violent, over reacting children who think that punching someone will solve their problems. I'd like to refer to the video now, specifically to the girlfriend who did so much damage. If your boyfriend is cheating on you, do not get angry at the girl he cheated with. Get angry at him, as he is the one who is supposed to be loyal. He made an unspoken agreement to not harm you physically or mentally when he agreed to be your boyfriend. The other girl did nothing of the sort. She has no ties to you, no bonds or promises. You do not know her story, why she did what she did. She did not break your trust or your heart. If anything, she is the one that revealed to you that your boyfriend is a cheating scum bag. If he is even considering being with another girl to begin with, then it's clear he is not completely devoted to you. And if you're the type to gang up on one girl for the deed she shared with your boyfriend, I understand why he would be considering other girls.

I understand that this is a violent and hate-filled response to an equally violent and hate-filled situation, and I a know that words do just as much damage as actions. But bullies need to know their place, even if it means dropping them down a notch using a bit of their own medicine. However, so as not to be bias, I also understand that there are two sides to a story. I do not know what the girlfriend was thinking, or if there is more to her story than what we are given. Either way, to react in the way she did is just wrong. Harming someone because you have felt harmed is not the answer, just as harming yourself is not the way out of problems.

This whole blog is not about bullies and their actions, but also about the victims and their responses. I cannot honestly say that I understand. I have never been bullied, and I have never felt alone enough to consider suicide. For this I consider myself lucky, and I wish that everyone else could feel the same. I wish that suicide victims could see what they started when they ended their lives. I wish that this was all fake, that she would come back and see all the sympathy she has gotten, that she has moved so many hearts and raised so many voices. But what I wish for most is that her death will not be in vein. I wish that her story will cause something to happen, that the adults will realize the fighting of children is more than that.

I know this one blog post will be insignificant compared to so many other blogs, articles, essays, videos and other media sources, but if I could change the mind of one victim, or change the ways of one bully, I will consider that a great victory.

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