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Friday, 29 August 2014

Magic: The Gathering

Sorry for the dull posts for the last week or so. I've not been feeling well, and the worst symptom is just feeling sluggish. For the past couple days, everything I do saps my energy, from walking up the stairs to having a conversation. Today I'm just plain tired. I got a good eight hours of sleep, and it feels like I only got five. I've barely done anything, and have just been sitting around all day.

On the bright side, my manager felt so bad that I had to take the shift yesterday, that she gave me today and Monday off. Yay! I've informed her that I would like to work less, not that school is in, and I might sort of being seeing someone now. Everyone else is happy with that too, since everyone wants more hours. I'll just keep my minimum of sixteen hours a week, and just be available for up to twenty four.

Now that updates are all done with, let's have a review! Recently I've been introduced to a lot of games, so I have a lot to talk about. Let's start with a popular one, Magic: The Gathering.

If you have an ear in the nerd community, you've probably at least heard of this game. It's simply a luck-based strategy game. And by simply, I mean that's the simplest thing to categorize it as. Now I'm not too bad when it comes to strategy, though to be honest, most of my strategies in these types of games it to overwhelm my opponent with attacks. That doesn't work so well in this game.

It's the type of game where you need to see three turns ahead and know what your opponent will do. And of course, you need luck. If you have too much of one type of card, you can't do anything, while at the same time, if you have too little of the same type of card, you can do even less. I've definitely been on both sides of the spectrum on countless occasions.

So my verdict is: A good game, that's not too hard to learn, but definitely needs some dedication and interest in the subject. I would suggest it for anyone that likes strategy games, and whoever classifies themselves as a nerd.

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