Read it Before you Steal it!

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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Thursday, 14 August 2014

An Anecdote with a Lesson

So I decided to pay my tuition today. That went easily, no complications (except I forgot to print my receipt...) It wasn't until after that I started looking through my schedule to confirm all the days that I would have to go in that I noticed something odd.

My online class has a class in a city that is NOT the one I wanted it in.

I go to a university that has four campuses (for privacy sake, I'm calling them A, B, C and D), all of which are pretty far away from me, but only one (A) that has an easy and direct route. That is the one that I have been going to. That is the one that I made sure all my classes are at. And that is not the one that this specific class had me going to. This class has me going to city B.

So I decided to take a look at the list of classes to try and figure out what went wrong. First off, the professor that I have for that class doesn't teach anywhere but in city C. Looking harder, I realized that I might have made a mistake and not looked at the city when I signed up, thinking that 'hey, it's an online course, I won't have to leave my house'. Of course, there's a mid term, so I would have to go somewhere at some point. But considering this class that I signed up for said city C, it should NOT be sending me to city B. There is not an ounce of logic in that.

I got really confused at this point, and went to see if there were even any online classes that sent me to city B. There aren't. So yeah, an online class in city C is sending me to city B for the ONE in-class test. No sense!

Finally I just dropped that class, as I saw a pretty convenient one right before another class I have on Monday. Unfortunately, after all this time trying to figure out what went wrong, someone had taken the last spot in that class. And in the next best class. Jerks. So I have now signed up for a class that is actually part in-class and part online, which is pretty cool. The only downside is that now I need to take another day off of work, and I will actually be spending more time in my round trip to and from the campus, than in the actual class. I'll need to stock up on some new music or something.

The moral of the story? Get your shit in order before starting post secondary. You hear that high schoolers? It's not the actual university classes that are hard, but just getting registered for them. Talk to a counselor! Let someone else do it! I have a headache, just from spending half an hour figuring it out. Imagine having to do this every semester. We seriously need a class just to learn how to get into classes.

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