Read it Before you Steal it!

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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Friday, 24 January 2014

Laziness and Poetry

I tried to update the blog this morning, but for some reason Blogger wasn't working. It's running fine now though! I wrote several small poems for school a few days ago, so I'll share them now. They're not my best work, I know, but I seem to have trouble writing small things.

For some background, the first three poems are Tankas, which are traditional Japanese poems similar to Haikus, but a bit longer.  The final three poems are much more modern and came about because of Twitter. You basically have to write a poem in 140 characters or less.

That was a venti
decaf two thirds sweet no foam
one and a half shot
one ninety degree skinny
peppermint mocha with whip

when the late sun sets,
the winter winds start to gust,
and heat drains away,
that is the magical time
when frappuccinos come out.

sickly sweet syrup
steaming milk and grinding beans
overflowing pots
and crash there goes the tower
of precarious dishes

One hundred and forty characters do not add up to much, so better not waste them on idle thought. I can write an inspirational quote or a beautiful rhyme. But here is the e-

The true meaning of sacrifice is going without a scarf in the middle of winter to make room for a book in your bag.

The smell of ink and untouched paper, the crack of a spine and smooth jacket under your fingers, the odd look from strangers as you bury your face in a book and sniff.

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