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Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Fancy Words for Idiots

Hey guys! My mind was doing some wandering a few days ago, and a few fancy words popped into my head. Now I've been told that when I write, my 'voice' because rather formal, or fancy. For example, I used the word 'rather' instead of 'kinda.' I don't fall into text talk or anything of the sort, not even while texting. However, my generation and newer generations have unfortunately limited their vocabulary to the very basics. So let's start up 'Fancy words for Idiots'!

Adroit- You're like the Flash... for the mind!
Allure- Daaaamn, you're hot!
Amber- The colour of the traffic light you just went through
Buttocks- Dat ass
Celerity- to be fast, not the green vegetable
Dalliance- That hoe
Diaphanous- The type of clothing many girls wear to be 'sexy'
Elixer- That magical substance that makes you think you're immortal
Eloquent- Fancy shmancy talk
Epistle- A letter that uses your full name
Indolence- Living with your parents until you're thirty because it's easy
Memento- That guy's sweater you still wear even though he broke up with you five years ago
Memorabilia- That box of junk you forgot about but refuse to throw away
Mere- being in the Friendzone rather than a relationship
Nymphet- What most girls seem to see them selves as nowadays
Soufflé- Air cake
Talisman- That magical object that Indiana Jones taught you about
Voluminous- Yo mama

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