Read it Before you Steal it!

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Friday, 16 August 2013

Worst Inventions Ever

Sorry for missing my post yesterday, I've just been tired. And because I have a head ache and just ate my first meal in ten hours, I'm a little cranky, so let's rant!

1) Decaf coffee. What's the point? The only useful thing about coffee is that it gives you an energy boost, but decaf coffee has had the caffeine roasted out of it, so it has absolutely no use.

2) Ipads/tablets/smart phones. I'll be honest, I have an ipad, and I love it. However, I really do hate it, and how it has affected me. I am so unproductive when I have it. I will even get up half an hour earlier than I need to just so that I will have time to play on my ipad n the morning. The only useful thing I have on it is my school organizer, the weather network (which I have no looked at in weeks), and my e-mail. Everything else is just a waste of time.

3) Tanning bed/spray tans. I have no idea why looking like a Dorito is so popular. It seems like everyone I know makes fun of the people who use tanning salons, but I know pretty much all of them would take the chance if someone offered them free time in one of those salons. Our society loves tanned people, and it's to the point that people need fakes tans. Just disgusting.

4) Guns. If guns had not been invented, who's to say that we still wouldn't be riding around in a horse and carriage and wearing beautiful dresses. Guns were really the first big breakthrough in technology. And of course, all the deaths they cause, but hey, people kill people, not guns, right?

5) E-readers. I have a completely irrational hatred of these things. A book is the physical form of the story, so if you're reading on an e-reader, you're not reading a book, you're reading a novel. It doesn't sound like much, but I will always firmly believe that books are the only way to read novels. (That is, until I have to move out and haul all my books around.) I love looking over and seeing my bookshelf and all the books. You cannot do that with an e-reader. It's just not the same.

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