Read it Before you Steal it!

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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Wednesday, 7 August 2013

A Tour of My Room

As you may have guessed by now, I'm a huge fantasy fiction nerd. I'm the girl that has to correct people when they call me a 'sir' or a 'he' in RPG games, because let's face it, how many girls actually play RPG games? And my room reflects this nerdiness, so I'm going to give you a few glimpses of it.

Also, I apologize in advanced, because the only camera I have is my phone, and it sucks.

I made these family crests in grade eleven for an English project. Each one is supposed to represent a major character from Macbeth (The one in the top right is Macbeth's) It took me about an hour or two each day to make them, so probably somewhere between seven and ten hours in total. I got perfect on the project, by the way.

This is one of my most prized possessions. And yes, it is a light. Isn't it beautiful? My parents finally agreed that I needed a new light after they took my old one down to replace the bulb and found a ton of dead bugs in it. They said they would spend $50, so I looked around for a while. I fell in love with this one, but it was eighty, so I paid for the last $30 of it. Since it doesn't exactly match the rest of the house, my parents are going to let me take it when I move.
(Also notice the Mad Hatter poster in the background. Everyone thinks it's creepy to have hanging over my bed...)

Now this is something to brag about. My dad made this shield when he was in high school, and had given it to his mom. When she moved into a care home, I claimed it as my own. It now hangs above my TV, and I'm still searching for a pair of swords to hang below it.

This is a bad quality picture, but here is a real beaver pelt top hat, with a scarf and a peacock feather. I wore it to school in grade twelve for Halloween, and I've kind of claimed it as my own now... I believe it used to belong to my great grandfather... Or maybe my great great grandfather. Either way, it's old.

A your of my room wouldn't be complete without a picture of my bookshelf. Please note that there is another shelf at the bottom of this picture that I wasn't able to get into the frame, and another shelf on a separate bookshelf. I also trim my collection down by a few books every once in a while, so there are about thirty or so book that I've donated. 

So there you are, a few of the best aspects of my room. There's more, so maybe I'll do this again later... Maybe when I have a better camera. 


  1. XD What makes me sad though is that most of my friends don't read the books I like, so I can't lend them out and let other people enjoy them. I guess it's for the best; I've lost several books by lending them out.

  2. XD No worries, I know you're not going to lose or damage it.
