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Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Interesting Facts and Misconceptions about Myself

So I really have nothing of importance to say today, nor has anything of much interest happened the last few weeks. So, let's make a list! Since I know a lot of people will judge someone by how the look, or just a few of their interests, here are a few lesser known things about me that some people may not know.

1) Yes, I am skinny. No, it's not intentional. When you see me, I am pretty much skin an bones. My wrists, knees and ankles are so skinny that I creep myself out sometimes. This is not a good thing! I am most definitely not one of those girls that starves herself to get skinny. In fact, I've been trying to gain weight so that I can give blood. There are three reasons why I am skinny though. The first is the biggest, and it's just genes. Both my parents were fairly skinny around my age, so I just inherited that. The second is that I'm a super picky eater. Fried food makes me feel sick and unhealthy, and I just hate the taste of burgers. So although I love sugar, I don't actually like the taste of some fatty foods. And the last reason is actually kind of ironic. I'm just so lazy that I would rather lie in bed for five hours straight than get up to find some food. I may be skinny, but I am far from being in shape. I also sleep in very late, so I don't tecnically eat breakfast, but rather brunch...

2) I am not a gamer! I've had about four or five posts highlighting my love of Zelda and Mario games, but that does not make me a gamer, and I don't pretend to be one. People just automatically think I am because I play Nintendo games. To be a gamer, I think I should at least own an xbox and playstation. I have rarely played on either of those consoles, and I have no idea how they work. So yes, I like some video games, but that does not make me a gamer.

3) I am a slow reader. I think I've mentioned this before, actually. I love to read, especially if you find that perfect book. But I do not tear through it lie most people would. I like to savour the book, and I also like to do things other than read. So I read at night, on the bus, while waiting for something, or when in public. but at home I'm pretty much always on my laptop or some other device. However, I love to collect books, and when I find a really good one, I will huddle up for hours and read it. Still, I am a slow reader. If I skip even one sentence, I pretty much have to read the whole paragraph again because it feels like I might have missed something important. This can be good when reading books for class, but unfortunately, most of the time those books are so bad that I zone out and don't even care if I'm missing something. (Remember, I'm a creative Writing student, not an English student)

4) I actually don't care much for Harry Potter... For some reason it seems like if you're a book worm, you need to love Harry Potter, as if it's some staple that you must read. I've read the books, and they were good, but I would never re-read them. They're just not really what I'm into. I didn't really get attached to many of the characters (only the twins, in fact. Not even Dobby) and the plot was simple. It had twists, but it kind of seemed like each book was planned on its own, and it was only until the last few that it seemed like Rowling had planned ahead with smaller details. Even the whole Snape stuff wasn't all that complicated... However, I did like the movies. Still not my favourites, but it's easier to watch all eight movies over ad over than re-read all seven books.

5) I actually do not like radio music, and I'm not trying to be a hipster by hating what everyone seems to love. It's just that all the singers, bands and songs are all the same. They sound like whiny little teenagers who makes up drama just so that they have something to complain about through song. All the songs are about how someone's boyfriend is a jerk, or how someone is giving up on love, or how everyone is pretty and the world is made of sunshine and rainbows. What is the worse is when the artist is singing as if directly to the listener about how he/she loves the listener. No! They do not love you! They love your money. This whole hate for pop music can also stem from my hate of teen drama novels, because they're so plain and too close to reality. I love fantasy fiction novels, and I love songs that are not based off of someone's real experiences, at least not too cliché experiences. I listen to bands such as Rise Against, Cage The Elephant, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Billy Talent, Anti-Flag, Zebrahead, Gob, Illscarlet, Muse, The Offspring, and Weezer. Although I do have a guilty pleasure in some Disney music (the more catchy ones, I don't care for slow music), and I do like several songs by Maroon 5, who have become quite popular.

So there you are, some interesting facts combined with some rants.

1 comment:

  1. Unless it's a novella, of course. A hundred or so pages is easy to gobble up. XD
