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Saturday, 8 June 2013

My Kryponites

Just like everyone, I have fears. Some of them are normal, others are a little... Well, not normal.

1) Spiders. Or any other bug, for that matter. Although I think I might be starting to get over this fear. A couple days ago I woke up around 7:30 and rolled over in my bed to see a spider just chilling in the corner, about a foot and a half away from me. I just blew it down so it was under my bed, then rolled over and went back to sleep. About ten minutes later I woke up to find it back were it had been. I just blew it back down, then stuffed a wad of bubble wrap in the gap between my bed and the corner, then went back to sleep. Pretty brave, eh? Although I have not risked moving the bubble wrap since then...

2) Deep water. I've probably mentioned this before, but it's actually a pretty big fear. I'm not a very strong swimmer; I failed my level four swimming lessons about five times because I wasn't able to float on my back. After that my parents and I decided that I I knew enough to keep myself from drowning. However, I think my main fear comes from knowing that there are probably thousands of creatures in the water that we have never identified, and even many of the ones that we do know about look like creatures from nightmares. Plus, I don't like not being able to see the ground, which is odd, because I don't have much of a fear of heights...

3) I've recently realized that I have a fear of being annoying... It sounds weird, I know, but I am actually afraid that I come across as annoying to some people. It's why I don't often initiate conversations, because I feel like if someone has not talked to me yet, it's because they don't want to talk. The weird ting is, it's even worse over Facebook, because there someone can actually ignore you and pretend that they didn't see your message. And it makes that annoying sound when someone talks, and I know I sometimes cringe when I hear it over and over and over, especially when I'm trying to do something else.

4) Getting asked out on a date. Holy hell, what do I do! I swear, I would probably just stand there with my mouth open, astounded that anyone would even ask that... It would probably be worse if for some reason some stranger began hitting on me... I honestly have a fear of this because I have no idea how to react...

5) Rejection. I guess this can go hand in hand with the previous fear, even if the situation is reversed. More often it's rejection for anything but emotional stuff, such as for my writing, or for work. I hate asking someone to do something, or for a favour, and then they cannot do it, or don't want to. I end up apologizing over and over just for asking, even if it's really not my fault. Furthermore, it's the fear of letting people down, especially my parents.

So now everyone knows how to manipulate me if they ever want to defeat me for some reason... I really hope no one uses this post for evil...

1 comment:

  1. XD Nah, I pretty much just ignore them. Or avoid them... I think a fear of water is healthy if you're not a strong swimmer. XD
    Someone giving you their number isn't too bad because you can just throw it away. But if they asked you for your number... I would be like 'nope, sorry, against the rules...'
