Read it Before you Steal it!

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Friday, 12 April 2013

My life in Seven Steps

On Thursday I had my final Speculative Fiction Writing class, and because of this we had a bit of a party. I made some sugar cookies, which my friends ate some of before class. I had five extra, but at some point between handing them out and the end of class, the five of them were taken and someone put a different cookie into my container... Anyway, the real entertaining part was a writing exercise we did. It was very quickly written and I'm kind of ashamed of it. But it was the message behind it that was interesting. Basically it was a sort of psychology exercise, where what you write tells something about your personality. I won't give too many details at the moment, in case anyone wants to try it out.

First you start off in a place of dense flora. Describe what you see, how you feel, what you do, ect.

I started off in a rainforest, with moist air that felt like sweat and a clear blue sky. Something above me hissed, but was gone before I could figure out that it was.

Next you find a road. Describe how you react, what it looks like...

I stumbled over the first couple rocks as they jutted from the ground, but after that the road became smooth, maintained and perfectly straight, with no obstructions for a long time.

You then find a key. Describe it, what you do with it...

The key I found was delicate, like something from an elvish fairy tale. The prongs were very skinny.

Then you find a cup. What does it look like, what do you do with it?

I found a crystal wine glass, with the stem so tin it looked like it would break the second I touched it.

Finally you come upon an obstacle. What is it? How do you get around it?

My obstacle was a large wall covered with ivy. When I brushed the leaves aside, I found a rock wall with a hole for a key. I simply insert the key and walk through. (I have no idea how this logic works, I was very rushed for this questions)

On the other side of the obstacle is some form of water. What is this body of water? What do you do?

It was a crystal clear pond, with tiny ripples that made it shimmer. I looked down at it as if it was a mirror, but didn't see my reflection.

Not far away is a shelter. What does it look like? What do you do?

It's a simply cabin. Inside looks like it's been recently vacated, so I begin looking around for some food. I find an apple and leave.

The final part is when you leave the forest, or wherever you are. What do you see? What do you do?

I leave the forest and come upon a clearing. About ten feet away is a sharp drop, and below the forest continues. I try to find a way down.

Now for the meanings:
The forest is your outlook on life
The road is the path you will take
The key is your knowledge
The cup is your love life
The obstacle is your problems and how you get around them\
The body of water is your sensuality
The shelter is your home life
The clearing is your death

How I interpreted my writing:
I'm kind of unsure about the forest part, just that there are unseen dangers?
My path starts off bumpy, but as I go along is smooths out and I can easily see and reach my life goals
My knowledge is kind of odd... I guess elves are smart...
I suppose the cup means that I'm afraid to touch love because it could break?
I like the obstacle part. I means I use my knowledge to get around any problems
My sensuality is the best. I have none.
When it comes to my home life, all I want is food. I don't care about companion ship, as long as there is food (classy, right?)
And finally, I will only accept death if it looks just as good as life. (I'm not suicidal! I swear! I have this ability to laugh at myself... And my utter lack of sensuality. Hehe. However, I don't want to lose my memory and mind with old age, so maybe that's what it means.)

I hope this provided some entertainment, and I really hope you tried it before reading the meanings. After it's just ruined.

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