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Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Another Odd Dream

I'm really tired, because I had to close at work last night and open this morning. Then I couldn't sleep last night and woke up at around 1:50 this morning, only to find that I was wide awake and found it hard to get back to sleep. All in all, I'm running off of about five hours of sleep, and I had my history final today. It wasn't too bad, I think I'll do well in that class.

As the title for this post suggests though, I had an interesting dream. I started out as a young boy, probably around thirteen. My dad was super rich, but treated me badly because he wanted me to be more like him, stone cold and heartless. I don't really know what happened at this point, but I was going down a snow covered hill on some sort of metal sled. It was really cool. Then I crashed. When I did, I uncovered a burrow of some small, rare animal. I got the impression that my dad had gotten rich by using the fur of this animal for clothing. Among them was a strange girl. She was really tall and skinny, kind of like Shiek from Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. She was protecting the animals, and seemed pretty pissed when I found them. Naturally, I wanted to protect them, but then my dad showed up. He handed me a spear, or a knife, or some sort of sharp weapon. He told me to kill the girl, as that was the only way I would grow a hard skin. I refused to do this, so I stabbed my dad in the shoulder instead.

You should know that when I say 'my dad' I don't mean my real dad. The dad in my dreams looked like a sleeze ball. He had the slicked back hair and skinny pinched face. In the end, I don't really know if it was a good dream or a bad dream. I mean, it was interesting, and could possibly make a good short story, but it would suck if it was real.

1 comment:

  1. Except for Twilight... Apparently that was based on a dream Stepheni Myer had. XD
