Read it Before you Steal it!

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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Friday, 11 January 2013


I've been meaning to make a post about this for a while, so here it is: A list of all the people I respect for what they do are who they are.

1) Drivers.
Simply those that drive as a career, whether they're bus drivers, taxi drivers or even parents. I recently started learning how to drive, and I hate it. I find it difficult to get into first gear and I'm constantly stalling or burning out. I also find it very stressful and after only half an house I get out of the car and I'm shaking. So anyone who is able to do that every day for several hours, in good or bad conditions and often with rude people, has earned my respect.

2) Cashiers
This means any cashiers, whether it's for retail, food industry or any other job. When I work, I'm most often on cash register, and I'm lucky that it's not too busy and our customers are almost always easy to serve and very polite. I cannot image working somewhere like McDonalds, where it's always busy and many rude and unbearable customers visit every day. So good job for all those people who can handle stressful jobs like that on a regular basis.

3) Teachers
I know a lot of people think that being a teacher would be easy, and that they are all overpaid, and perhaps for some people that' true. If you find teaching to be easy, then maybe you won't have the same view as I do. However, I am terrible at explaining anything, so the thought of teaching anyone, especially little kids who have to be taught the very basics, is a rather daunting task for me.

4) Writers
You knew this would have to show up eventually, right? Well of course I respect writers. They appear to live a very care-free easy life, no offices to go to every day, no early mornings, getting to make their own work schedule. Of course they have deadlines to meet though, and even more important, thousands of fans to please. Then there are the tours and book signings, which they have to be friendly and cheerful for. Honestly, I think I would snap after even two hours of signing... Not to mention my signature is terrible...

5) Stay at home mom's/dad's
I'm not a big fan of kids, so it's natural that I would respect anyone who stays home all day, or even tries to run errands, with a kid. Now I know kids can be a lot of fun and adorable at times, but they can also be horrible, screaming crying spawns of the devil, especially when they're young.

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