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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Monday, 7 January 2013

Canine Companion

Since I've started school again, this semester with three creative writing courses, I'm going to have a lot more writing-based posts, the first one of which is going to be today! Now I have to add that it's not finished, and it's far from being revised. It's something for my Advanced Poetry class, called a Prose Poem. Basically it's a very pretty paragraph. I also want to ask that no one gives me advice or suggestions on how to finish or revise this poem. I want to do the first draft all by myself, without any help. After I've had it workshopped in class, then go ahead, tell me everything that's on your mind. If you want, you can tell me if you loved or hated it, but that's all.

The best way to take a walk is with a strong-willed dog. She tugs me in the direction she wishes to go, and I freely follow, past the houses of old friend and new strangers. Up the shallow hill, along the lengthy road and across the broken sidewalk to the dank, dark forest, where the dog daringly proceeds without delay, and I delightedly tail after. Under the canopy of evergreen branches and dead winter trees, fat drops of rain worm their way through green needles and brown leaves to hit the target of my head. My dog pulls onward, stopping here and there to sniff a fern or a bush, and with a sudden sharp tug on the leash, we’re off again. I want to run, to watch the old dog playfully prance like a young puppy, to let her dance in a mud puddle as if it were a hot summer day. However, near the end she grows too tired, and trots slowly along by my side, acting like the obedient dog we never trained her to be. But although her flame has faded, it fans up again at the sight of a fellow dog. As she snaps and growls, I smile politely at the owner, say a hello and apologize for her jealous fury. They smile back in understanding and we part ways as slightly more than new strangers.

And of course, this is my work, so don't take it and claim it as your own. Actually, I would appreciate it if you didn't take it at all, even if you do give me credit.

Oh! I also want to say happy 1,000 views to my blog! Thanks to everyone who reads my tales and rants. It really encourages me to continue writing.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. =] Hopefully my poetry class will like it too.
