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Saturday, 2 January 2016

Happy New Year!

It's a new year! And I'm sorry for the lack of posts. I lost my laptop for about a week, mostly because of my lack of energy to figure out where my mom put it after cleaning up for Christmas. Work was insane, but a lot of fun. I know some people will think I'm crazy, but I would much rather work in a busy environment, constantly doing something for eight hours, than to be wandering around a nearly empty store for four hours, waiting for something to happen.

Anyway, as I've made it a tradition, here is my year in a list: (Please excuse the outdated terms. I should have had this done earlier this week.)

Stayed single almost the whole year? Stayed not-single for over a year!
Were involved in something you'll never forget? I became manager for the summer, that was pretty unforgettable. And then got a new job.
Tripped over a coffee table? Yup. The coffee table at my boyfriend's house is very close to the sofa...
Came close to losing your life? Nope, but school starts soon, so we'll see.
Saw one of your favorite bands/artists live? Unfortunately not, but later this year I will hopefully be seeing the Zelda Symphony. That counts, right?
Did something you regret? A few small things, but nothing I can't get over or forget.
2015: Friends and Enemies
Did you meet any new friends this year? Some school people, some work people. Don't know if I would call them friends.
Did you hate anyone? Nah, I'm pretty chill with people. Unless you're a rude customer...
Did you lose any friends? I think I've done pretty well with keeping in touch with people this year.
2015: Your BIRTHDAY!
Did you have a cake? I had a pie. Pie is much better than cake.
Did you get any presents? Of course, and they were all very nice. Lots of socks.
Did you get what you wished for last year? And more. My wishlist was very vague and small...
2015: All about YOU
Did you change at all this year? I got a new job, so I think that allowed me to change. I remembered what it was like to be new, and even though I was very easy on new people at Starbucks, I now understand them even better.
Did you change your style? I pretty much stopped wearing make up and jewelry. I think I'll try to get back into it now, since I'm allowed to wear jewelry at my new job.
Were you in school? Yup. I got an A+ in my fiction class!
Did you get good grades? Whoops, answered that question early. I did really well this past semester, got a few A's, and a B...
Did you drive? I'm still trying to get my L. ICBC must have a 'do not drive' list somewhere in their records, because they really hate me...
Did you own a car? My sister got a new car, so I got her old one. It's not a double hand-me-down. I still can't drive it though.
Did anyone close to you give birth? My friend did! Her baby is very quiet. I will accept it.
Did you go on any vacations? Yup, I was able to travel to Victoria for a few days. It was very relaxing.
Would you change anything about yourself now? I need to get better that not letting customers bully me. But I'm afraid of retaliation from the higher ups if I get too mean... Not that I could...
Did you dye your hair? Yes! The moment I got off from my last shift at Safeway, I went to a friend's house, and she dyed part of my hair bright pink. I need to redo the dye now, but it still looks awesome. 
2015: Wrap UP:
Was 2015 a good year? Definitely. I feel like I'm getting somewhere. I can see the end of school, and work is coming along.
Do you think 2016 will top 2015? It could. Once I get more comfortable at work, I'm sure it'll be great.
Best thing that happened in 2015? I got a new job!
Kissed in the snow? The closest we've come to having snow has been a very thick layer of frost, and I've been sick the whole time that that's been around, so my boyfriend is avoiding my lips...
in the parking lot? at the beach ? in secret ? Parking lot, probably. Beach, Ha! Secret, probably not.
Had your heart broken? Nope, it's been a good year.
Painted a picture? I've done a few painted shirts.
Wrote a poem? So. Much. Poetry. And more to look forward to.
Ran a mile? More like a few metres. I'm so out of shape.
Visited a foreign country? Never even left Canada this year.
Cut in a line of waiting people? I hope not.
Told someone you were busy when you weren't? I was tempted to a few times, but I don't think I did.
Cooked a disastrous meal? Of course!
Lied about how old you were? Nope, never needed to.
Cried yourself to sleep? Only if I'm in pain. 
IN 2015 I….
Broke a promise? Not that I can think of
Lied? Maybe a few white lies...
Disappointed someone close? Probably everyone at Safeway when I quit...
Hid a secret? This is where the not breaking a promise thing comes in. I kept a promise to keep a secret.
Pretended to be happy? Earlier in the year before quitting Starbucks. 
Slept under the stars? Like... camping? Nope
Met someone who changed your life? Not this year
Changed your outlook on life? Most of my 'life-changing' happens for about a day, then I go back to normal.
Sat home all day doing nothing? Yup...
Lost something expensive? I don't have too many expensive things, and I keep them all under a close eye.
Learned something new about yourself? I am good at the manager position that was offered to me. But I was also very bored of it, and needed a change.
Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it? A new job...
Made a change in your life? ... A new job...
Found out who your true friends were? I've always known.
Met great people? Of course! I like to think my group of friends has grown. I can count them on two hands now!
Stayed up til sunrise? Just once, maybe... Or it would have been sunrise if it wasn't the middle of winter.
Cried over the silliest thing? Last thing I could remember was a headache like a chisel being pounded into the base of my skull. I don't think that's silly.
Had friends who were drifting away from you? It's sad to say, but yes.
Spent most of your money on food? Actually, it was probably school. Food is a very close second.
Gotten sick? I was sick going into the new year. From a cold, not from alcohol. 
Liked more than 5 people at the same time? Like as a crush or like as a friend? Nay to the former and Yay to the latter.
Became closer with a lot of people? Probably. I have a lot more friends than I did, even last year.

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