Read it Before you Steal it!

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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Thursday, 10 September 2015


Another school year has begun. I'm already done with it. I was looking forward to school starting, but for some stupid reason, I decided to wear high heeled boots today. I have a two and a half hour commute to school. My feet were killing me by the time I got home. Never again... But I'll probably end up forgetting the pain in a few months, and decide that it's a good idea. At least they're cute...

I had my creative non fiction class today, and it ends up, I'm the only one, other than the teacher, with experience in this subject! Yay, plus one for me! Now I just need to come up with enough material to write about. At least my life has become a little more interesting within the last few years.

The homework has been piling on though, and I've only had two days of classes. I have tomorrow completely off from school and work, so I'll be working on as much homework as I can. I'm also supposed to be going in to try and get a drop in appointment for a driving test. I secretly hope there won't be any. Those tests just keep getting more and more stressful. They should be easier, but the more I fail, the worse I think my driving is. I know it's not getting worse, but that's the only explanation I have for failing so many times.

On a happier note, I actually have a friend in one of my classes! And I don't just mean someone I talk to from time to time in one class. We actually went to elementary school together, all the way up to graduating from high school. We live in the same neighbourhood, so we can bus all the way back together. It's weird, that somehow we both ended up in a school several cities away, a rather obscure and small school that most people can't remember the name of. And that we ended up in the same class, even though she had been going there longer than me. Happy coincidence, I suppose. At least now I don't have to bus home alone when it starts getting dark out earlier.

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