I have my third N test tomorrow. I'm really hoping the saying 'third times the charge' will work out for me. I practiced my parallel parking yesterday, so hopefully that'll go better. I think I should be fine... Maybe. There'll always be things that can mess me up, I just have to hope that those things don't pop up tomorrow. What I'm most concerned about are playground zones. Now that school is out, I'm not completely sure what are playground zones, and what are just school zones. And now they've thrown summer school into the mix, but that might be over by now, but I'm not sure. There was summer school at the school near my house, but it seems to be over now, but I'm not sure if that's the case for all schools, or if they're scattering the days that there's summer school.
Okay, maybe I'm just a little nervous. I guess I just have to go, feel confident, and hope I get a nice tester.
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