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Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Warbreaker Review

It's been a while since I've done a review. Not because I haven't been reading, but just because I've been lazy. You really shouldn't expect much else from me...

But I recently finished a really good book, by none other than Brandon Sanderson. It's a stand alone book called Warbreaker

The magic system in this book revolves around something called Breaths. Every human is born with one, and it's basically their soul. People can live without one, but it makes the world dull and drab for them. In fact, those that have given their Breath away are called Drabs. People can collect Breaths, and use them to animate objects made from organic materials, such as twigs, grass, clothing, even corpses and bones.

As I've come to expect from Sanderson, the book is full of plot twists and unexpected surprises. You'll start to think you understand what will happen, or think you can trust one of the characters, then Bam! Everything changes. It really keeps you hooked on the book.

I hope he writes more in this world, though I expect that he's going to keep this as a stand alone novel. However, many of his books are connected, either by the same world or with characters. I feel like he's planning just one massive world, or somehow he's going to connect nearly every book he's written. He's already started to do this by having one character make a cameo in several of his books. I would be surprised if he didn't do something with this.

So in the end, I would definitely suggest Warbreaker for anyone who likes a thrilling book, that'll keep you thinking and constantly guessing about what will happen next.

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