Read it Before you Steal it!

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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Tuesday, 30 December 2014

End of a Big Year

Another year has come and gone, and all that other mushy stuff you say around this time. So once again, here's a small recap of my year!

Stayed single almost the whole year? Big news! I can actually say no to this! It was only half a year, kind of... 
Were involved in something you'll never forget? Just being involved in a relationship is unforgettable.
Tripped over a coffee table? I'm sure I did
Came close to losing your life? Nope, not yet!
Saw one of your favorite bands/artists live? Nope
Did something you regret? Nothing I can remember
2014: Friends and Enemies
Did you meet any new friends this year? I like to think so
Did you hate anyone? Nah, everyone is pretty cool with me
Did you lose any friends? I've started drifting away from some people, unfortunately.
2014: Your BIRTHDAY!
Did you have a cake? I can't actually remember...
Did you get any presents? Some very nice ones
Did you get what you wished for last year? I never really asked for much. But what I did, I got.
2014: All about YOU
Did you change at all this year? I've definitely come out of my shell and became more affectionate
Did you change your style? Not that I can tell. Though I don't wear makeup or jewelry very often anymore.
Were you in school? Yup, and still going to school.
Did you get good grades? Decent grades.
Did you drive? Yup, and I still have my L. I don't like driving...
Did you own a car? Nope. I think I need my N for that...
Did anyone close to you give birth? My cousin's wife gave birth fairly recently.
Did you go on any vacations? Nope, work got in the way.
Would you change anything about yourself now? I really need to learn to stand up to people... Especially at work.
Did you dye your hair? I dyed it once very early this year, then cut nearly all of it off. 
2014: Wrap UP:
Was 2013 a good year? Probably one of the best years to date.
Do you think 2014 will top 2013? Perhaps
Best thing that happened in 2013? Well, I got a boyfriend
Kissed in the snow? There hasn't been any snow to kiss in
in the parking lot? at the beach ? in secret ? Probably not, never went to the beach, and not really in secret...
Had your heart broken? Nope, and it better stay that way
Painted a picture? I painted using a stencil...
Wrote a poem? Several for class
Ran a mile? Hell no.
Visited a foreign country? Never even left Canada this year
Cut in a line of waiting people? Not that I can remember
Told someone you were busy when you weren't? I think I was pretty good about not doing that
Cooked a disastrous meal? I set the fire alarm off while making soup...
Lied about how old you were? Nope, never needed to.
Cried yourself to sleep? Nope
IN 2013 I….
Broke a promise? Not that I can think of
Lied? Maybe a few white lies...
Disappointed someone close? I would hope not
Hid a secret? A couple...
Pretended to be happy? All those days at work when it's super busy and there's no one to help me...
Slept under the stars? Like... camping? Nope
Met someone who changed your life? Most definitely
Changed your outlook on life? Maybe a bit. I've always been positive, and that hasn't changed
Sat home all day doing nothing? Yup...
Lost something expensive? I've been fairly good about not losing stuff this year
Learned something new about yourself? I might have actually been good at the manager position that was offered to me...
Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it? I experimented with a few new foods... Nothing too radical though. Still staying away from seafood.
Made a change in your life? I finally accepted that I am capable of affection
Found out who your true friends were? I've always known.
Met great people? Of course! I like to think my group of friends has grown. I can count them on two hands now!
Stayed up til sunrise? I might be a little too old for that now...
Cried over the silliest thing? I've cried from laughter over a silly thing.
Had friends who were drifting away from you? It's sad to say, but yes.
Spent most of your money on food? That pretty much sums up my whole year...
Gotten sick? Ugh, yes. January 1st, I got the flu. First week of February, I got the flu again
Liked more than 5 people at the same time? Like as a crush or like as a friend? Nay to the former and Yay to the latter.
Became closer with a lot of people? I like to think so.

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Good Kwanza and have a great Holiday! (I think I covered them all) Even if you don't celebrate anything, this time of the year is always so cheerful. I like to think that everyone is just a bit happier. But... Actually, let's just keep it at that. Good spirits!

I celebrate Christmas, so that's what the rest of the post will be about. This year my extended family didn't get together, so I was free on Christmas Eve for the first time ever. Or at least, for the first time that I can remember. Luckily, I also happen to have a boyfriend this year, so I went out to his families house to celebrate. I have to say, it's a large family.

Christmas Day was also a first, kind of. We normally open most of our presents on Christmas Eve, since that's the Swedish tradition. Since it was just the immediate family this year, we went for a more American Christmas, and opened all our presents on the 25th. So, as you may have expected, I have pictures!

My boyfriend wrapped this present in the shape of a Triforce. Inside were a shit ton of Magic cards.

Me wearing my new sweater, and my boyfriend wearing the shirt I made him

Just a nice picture while we were on a walk... I need a haircut.

Some wool that I will hopefully put to good use.

Lots and lots of candy.

Several pairs of socks. There are six more pairs that I already had rolled up.

A lunchbox... I guess I need to start making a lunch for work now.

Super Smash Bros. and The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

A beautiful bracelet

And the crowning glory, a Hylian shield that my dad made. He started it in September and finished it last night. It goes beautifully with my Master Sword (which I bought a few months ago)

Friday, 19 December 2014

The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies *SPOILERS*

So yesterday my boyfriend and I went to go see the final Hobbit movie. Aside from the row of guys in front of us with a running commentary, I really enjoyed the movie. I know a lot of people complain about it, but I believe that the good outweigh the bad.

One of the biggest complaints I've heard (aside from it being split into three movies), is that it's comical. This is true, I suppose. But the movie is based of a kid's book. The book is comical and childish. Of course, parents these days would say that it's way too graphic for kids, but that's because most parents these days are paranoid idiots that think that any little bit of violence will turn their child into a monster. Furthermore, there is very little violence in the book, not until the spider scene. Even then, the actual battle of the five armies is condensed to a few pages, with very little details except for scenes that are actually away from the battle.

I can see why anyone who has not read the book will think that the movie is comical, especially when compared to The Lord of the Rings movies. But keep in mind that the Lord of the Rings books were written for adults, along with just about all his other work. The Hobbit was meant for kids. But of course, who knew that, right? Most people must have been expecting something more along the lines of Lord of the Rings. And, about it might not seem like it, Peter Jackson gave them so much more than the book does.

First off, There is no Legolas and Tauriel in the book. Their little story wasn't needed in the movie. It was to add a bit of romance, and nothing else. Tolkien had not a bit of romance in The Hobbit, and I actually preferred it that way. I guess Jackson was trying to bring in a greater audience, such as girlfriends and females that would not normally see the movies.

Then there is the whole scene near the end of the movie with Fili, Kili and Thorin. This was perhaps my favorite scene, because it's only briefly skimmed over in the book. (Major spoilers ahead) As I said, in the book the final battle is very short. There's barely any details, and what there is isn't violent. In the movie, Jackson went into detail about the death of Fili and Kili, and how Thorin killed the Orc leader (who's name is slipping my mind right now), then died too. I think this was brilliantly done.

When people complain about it the comedic relief. That is, the three Ogres in the first movie, the barrel escape in the second movie, and Dain and his dwarf army in the third movie. All these are in the book though, and are very important scenes that Jackson could not cut out, and could never be forgiven if he changed them into something more serious. These scenes defined the book as a children's novel, and although the movie is not meant for kids, you cannot just cut out such important scenes.

So I would give the movie a 4/5, I suppose. I still love Lord of the Rings the best, but the Hobbit has more action and more comic relief, which I love. I can look forward to having a Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movie marathon soon!

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Couple Weeks of Relaxation

And I am done! For the year, at least. I had my one and only final for the semester today. I never realized how much it was taking up my thoughts. Even now I keep thinking that I should be studying. But now I can relax and concentrate on Christmas and other fun stuff.

Except I really don't like shopping... Even for just myself. And when Christmas comes, the mall is just twice as bad. And everyone brings their kids to the mall. It's horrible. Never have I hated kids more. (Except for one time at work when it felt like a kid's screaming would burst my ear drum). I wish human kids were more like baby animals. But nope, we're stuck with the poopy, whiny, crying monsters. Ugh.

But Christmas! Yay! I'm nearly done with all my shopping. I keep finding things people would like, or thinking of other people I should get presents for. It seems like the shopping with never end... And Christmas is only a week away now. There's no snow where I am, so it really only feels like a cold fall day. Rather disappointing, actually...

But now back to working on Christmas presents. There's a certain one that I'll be working on until the day before Christmas... it's a lot of work...

Friday, 12 December 2014

Christmas and Movies and Finals

Wow, times goes fast. I though I had posted something on Tuesday... Apparently not. Anyway, have a Friday post instead!

But hey, twelve more days 'till Christmas! This year I'll be spending Christmas Eve with my boyfriend's family, since my family has decided not to get together this year. It should be fun. I have to work until 6:30, but oh well. I took several days off for Christmas last year, so I guess this makes up for it. And I don't have to work on Christmas day, so that's even better. Then, to top it off, I get paid time and a half on Boxing day. Yay! I'll have some money stashed away before I cut my hours to nearly nothing... I really should have spent less on Christmas presents... Oh well.

In other news, the final Hobbit movie comes out on Wednesday! I'm determined to see it on Thursday.... And maybe again several times after. I'm a little excited.

However, I have one final before I can really get into the Christmas or movie spirit. I should be studying... But it's on Tuesday. I have time...

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Five Things (Almost) Every Fantasy Novel Has

Sorry for the lack of posts this week, it's been another long week at work. Finals are in progress, so a couple co-workers took the week off. But that's okay, most money for me! At least everyone else is eager for hours, so we're not too desperate.

Anyway, I've been reading the Inheritance Series (Eragon, Eldest... ect.) and I've come to notice a few things that a bunch of fantasy novels seem to share. And I'm not talking about the races of creatures, like elves and dwarves, as those are uniform and not expected to change. I mean small details.

1) If there is a blacksmith, he's a good guy. The more muscles, the better.

2) If there is a large mountain range, they have to have the word Mist in them. Like the Misty Mountains, or the Mountains of Mist.

3) If it starts off with an average person living in a small village tucked into the middle of nowhere, that person is the savior of the world, and that village is actually the ancient site of a once grand and very important city, which almost everyone just conveniently forgot about.

4) A character is going to get married? Better do it before that hoard of monsters come knocking at your door. (which happens to be a small village tucked into the middle of nowhere)

5) If a character needs to know something, they will not only learn it within a month, they will be a master of it, because it's 'just in them'.

Most of these examples stem from three series; Lord of the Rings, Wheel of Time, and Inheritance. I'm guessing that Robert Jordan and Christopher Paolini both read Tolkien, and took a lot of examples from him. Not to say that they're bad books (Wheel of Time is still very far up on my favorite books list), but they do tend to follow a predictable path on these five points.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Warbreaker Review

It's been a while since I've done a review. Not because I haven't been reading, but just because I've been lazy. You really shouldn't expect much else from me...

But I recently finished a really good book, by none other than Brandon Sanderson. It's a stand alone book called Warbreaker

The magic system in this book revolves around something called Breaths. Every human is born with one, and it's basically their soul. People can live without one, but it makes the world dull and drab for them. In fact, those that have given their Breath away are called Drabs. People can collect Breaths, and use them to animate objects made from organic materials, such as twigs, grass, clothing, even corpses and bones.

As I've come to expect from Sanderson, the book is full of plot twists and unexpected surprises. You'll start to think you understand what will happen, or think you can trust one of the characters, then Bam! Everything changes. It really keeps you hooked on the book.

I hope he writes more in this world, though I expect that he's going to keep this as a stand alone novel. However, many of his books are connected, either by the same world or with characters. I feel like he's planning just one massive world, or somehow he's going to connect nearly every book he's written. He's already started to do this by having one character make a cameo in several of his books. I would be surprised if he didn't do something with this.

So in the end, I would definitely suggest Warbreaker for anyone who likes a thrilling book, that'll keep you thinking and constantly guessing about what will happen next.