Read it Before you Steal it!

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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Aching Body

Whoops, looks like I went a whole week without an update.In my defense, I tried to post something, but my internet kept crashing.

Anyway, October is over, and I'm hoping everything will be a little less busy. This past weekend at work I did inventory and the winter promotion set up. Inventory means that I have to count every single ingredient we have, including sugar packets and tea bags. In addition, I had to scan every single retail item. Since it was also promotion set up the next day, that meant I had to scan every single retail item we have for winter.

We have a lot of stuff.

For comparison, our back room is the size of a small walk in closet. We have shelves along two walls, all packed with things like coffee beans, cups, lids and extra ingredients. We couldn't fit all the retail items back there. We had two shopping carts nearly over flowing with mugs and cups, and the rest was packed into every nook and cranny. Even with everything set up, we still have no room for anything else back there.

So yeah, that was my weekend. But it's okay, I actually enjoy set up, no matter how stressful and no matter how many extra hours I have to put in. It's better than constantly making drinks for people. My only complaint now is that I'm sore all over. I managed to hit my back on a corner of a wall, so that's bruised. Then I have at least three cardboard cuts on my hands and another on my arm, and a bruise forming on my other arm. After I finished for the night, both my arms were red. My legs are sore from constantly kneeling and standing up. For the past week or so I have been having a sore knee. That went away by Sunday, but came back halfway through the night,making it very hard to have to bend down to put stuff away.

Okay, rant's over. At least the store looks beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand your frustration. Back when I worked in the produce department of my grocery store, we had to do the same thing with the produce that was measured by count. We also had to do it with spoiled produce, and sometimes got juices and mashed avocado all over us. Not too fun!
