Read it Before you Steal it!

Creative Commons Licence
This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Thursday, 24 July 2014

Faith in Humanity, Never Lost

Alright, onward with the writing. Although, the next subject in the book is more of a ramble.

Something you had that was stolen

I've actually been pretty lucky that I've never really had anything stolen from me. In gym class, I think it was grade ten, I was too lazy to get a lock for my locker, so I just kind of put my stuff into an unlocked locker and trusted that it would be safe. I came back from gym one day, and the twenty dollars in my wallet was gone. I got a lock after that.
Then in grade eleven, while in foods class, I had taken my rings off. We were running a little late that day, and the next class was coming in as we were just finishing cleaning up. Some bitch took my ring off the desk where I had it with my other stuff, then walked out of the room. My cooking partner was even angrier, and luckily for me, had seen who took it. The next day she came to class and gave me the ring back. This is the same ring that I bought in Florence, and is still one of my favorite pieces of jewelry, so I was delighted to get it back.

Other than that, nothing has really been stolen from me. I've lent out a few books and never got them back, but that's mostly my own fault for not keeping track of them. I've had a few pieces of clothing go missing, but they're probably lost somewhere in my sister's room. They'll show up one day. I guess I just live in a place that is mostly good. Even when I went to Italy, in the middle of Rome with gypsies and thieves everywhere, my mom was the only one that got robbed.

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