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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Super Mario Bros. Wii U

Wow, it didn't take me long to break my promise about posting on time. In my defense, the internet was down all of Monday and most of Tuesday. It finally came up right before I was going to head off to bed, and after two days of no internet, I had other things to catch up on. It was a horrible couple of weeks.

I just realized that I never did a review for Super Mario Bros. Wii U. It was a free game I got with this deal Nintendo is having. I bought the Mario Kart 8 and got a free download of one of four games. I picked Super Mario Bros. because it's great with one person, or with four. I needed a new game that I could play with friends, and this was perfect.

So far it's only been my sister and me playing. We're pretty bad... I've never been very good at Super Mario Bros, and I didn't expect this one to be any different. But I'm getting better! It took us forever to lean how to run, and we're still really bad at picking stuff up. On average we need to play a course at least three times before we get through it, and most often than not, it can take us up to ten, if not twenty tries. We've both over 20 restarts, and I'll admit, most of my sister's are because I accidentally killed her... But I'm getting better at that too! I don't bounce on her head in the game as often...

But it's fun. Kind of frustrating, but fun. The only other times I've played this game has been at a friend's house, so it's nice to have one at home that I can play for more than a couple hours.

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