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Friday, 2 May 2014

The Paradise Review

Time for some Netflix reviews! I recently started, and finished, watching a show called The Paradise. It's been compared to Downton Abbey, but judging by the comments, it's better. I've never seen Downton Abbey, so I can't say whether I think that's true or not.

Anyway, it's a British show, set in the Victorian times. It follows the life of a young woman working in the first department store, called The Paradise. What I loved most about it was the costumes and props. Everything was so beautiful. Even the work uniforms, which were probably the most boring outfit in the show, were so much better than any work uniform these days. Then of course there are the accents. They all range from Scottish, to Irish, to British, and from all regions of Britain. I don't think there were more than two that were alike.

I can't say much about historical accuracy. As I said, I don't watch Downton Abbey, and I don't think I've seen any other shows set around this time period, so I don't have any references. However, everything seemed pretty accurate. The mannerisms and social standards are what most people would consider of the Victorian age, to that point that you just want to punch them in the face and tell them to relax.

The show only has one season, with eleven episodes (I think), so it's very short. I read that there is another season, just not on Netflix, then it was cancelled. Although I loved the show so far, I can't see it getting far. The plot has a good beginning, but I can tell that it would quickly peter out. I think their problem is that they crammed too much into the first season, so all the plot twists and exciting parts are already done. But still, I would say it's worth a watch! It ends before it can get boring (Though there are a few slow parts...)

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