My new laptop came earlier than I expected! I thought it would arrive tomorrow, but it arrived late yesterday. On my way to school today, I stopped by to drop off my old laptop so that they could transfer all the old data onto my new laptop.
They didn't do this.
They had seven hours! Now I know it's partly my fault. I gave them my home phone, as I thought everything would be ready by Saturday or something. I rarely give my cell number out, since I rarely actually here my cell go off. I'm not all that attached to it like more girls, so I'll leave it at home or in my bag, or somewhere else in the house. I miss a lot of phone calls. However, I should have given the number to them when I dropped my old laptop off, I just kind of forgot. It wasn't until I was back on the bus and halfway to school that I realized that there would be no way for me to check whether they had finished everything. Still, I figured that seven hours would be enough time, not to mention that if I showed up and they weren't ready, then they would just tell me to come back tomorrow.
When I got there, all I was asked for was my receipt, which I handed over. They went to go find it, and came back with both new and old laptop. Now it's clear that they finished everything else, probably last night. It has everything downloaded that I wanted on it, and even a folder made that was ready for all my old data. However, none of the data was on the laptop, nor on the memory stick. What frustrates me the most, if that they acted like it was all done. They explained that all the data was on the memory stick, and that I shouldn't be using it for anything else other than for that data. I kind of assumed that that meant that all the data was already on it.
The good thing is, my old laptop still works, and I was able to turn it on to get all the data off myself. It took a while, and I'm still transferring it all right now. Apparently I have a lot more music than I thought..
Other than that, the laptop is pretty good. The mouse pad is a little more to the left than on my old one, which was in the centre, so I'll have to get used to that. Not to mention the keyboard is a bit smaller, and also a little to the left to accommodate the number pad on the right side, which my old laptop didn't have. I don't really like it now, since I never use it, but I figure I'll eventually get used to it. The actual keyboard is really nice. Each key is separate, so I'm less likely to get crumbs under the keys. And the down button works! It's in a different spot than on my old laptop, so every time I want to use it, I actually have to look for it, but that's also because I've gotten so used to not using it. It'll be nice to use it again, once I remember that I actually can. And I can actually type at a good speed already. I thought it would take me a lot longer to get used to, like it does with all keyboards, but I guess most laptop keyboards are similar enough that they're not hard to use.
There we go, a long update to make up for my lack of updates recently. I'm going to try and catch up on some reviews that I've been meaning to do lately, so look forward to that.
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