Read it Before you Steal it!

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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Customer Rules

As someone who works in customer service, I am just so sick of people. Honestly, I wasn't much of a people person before. Now I hate most people. It makes it worse if someone doesn't follow the simple rules of common sense:

1) Get off your damn phone! Don't you dare stand there chatting on your phone after telling me to 'hold on'. Even worse is putting in a massive order, having it ready on the till then, telling us that you can't pay because your card is on your phone. If that's the case, then get off your damned phone an pay.

2) Have your cash/card ready when you get to the till. This happens mostly with women, who have a purse twice as large as they need it to be, then don't bother with a wallet so that all their money falls to the bottom of their purse and is forever lost. Please, just pay with a card. We don't want to stand around as you count out all your dimes and nickles, then realize you don't have enough and in the end have to pay with a card anyway.

3) Give us the size of the drink you want before you ramble off your list of demands. My memory might be getting better because of work, but I can't remember a dozen different customizations.

4) If you want no foam, tell us before we add the foam. No, we don't just have extra steamed milk. We measured perfectly for the perfect milk to foam ratio.

5) If you ordered a no foam drink, don't leave it on the counter for five minutes. Foam will build! There's this magical thing called science. It tells us that air is lighter than milk. Therefore, the air in the drink will go up, creating foam. You don't want foam? Don't blame us if you leave your drink and let foam build up.

6) No, we made the drink right. You're just a whiny bitch.

7) If we did make the drink wrong, don't ask if you can keep the wrong drink. You have to pay for extra drinks.

8) When I ask 'is that all for you?', that if your chance to take a second to think if you want something else. Not right after the transaction has gone through.

9) Yes, I know we're understaffed. Please don't hold up the line by telling me that.

10) The sugar bin is not a garbage can. The two black things that look like garbage cans on either side of the counter are, in fact, garbage can. Throw your extra coffee into those. Not into the bin that's quite obviously full of sugar.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

The Blinding Knife Review

I realized there was a bit of a gap a few month ago, where I was reading books, but not reviewing them. I'm going to try to catch up with that, though my memory might not be perfect. First up, The Blinding Knife by Brent Weeks!

This is the second book in the Lightbringer series. Weeks is actually one of my favorite authors, right behind Sanderson, but unfortunately he's only written a few books. Even though it seems to take forever for each book to come out, the read is well worth the wait. Weeks forte is in characterization and voice. Each of his characters are distinct and strong, even down to the smallest character. It's through his characters that the world and the history is revealed, along with moving the plot along.

The book itself has a very creative idea. The magic system is based off of colours. Certain people can use one, two, three, sometimes even four or more colours to create things. Each colour has a different property, some creating more solid structures, some being purely liquid. Which of course means that each are used as a different weapon. However, for someone to use this colour, they first have to have the ability, and they have to have access to something of that colour. If someone wanted to use red, they would have to be looking at something red, like a red cloth or something. If someone uses their colour for too long and too much, it starts to drive them mad, called 'Breaking the halo', which is just the colour in their eyes bleeding into the whites of their eyes.

Now the plot rotates around someone called The Prism, who can use all the colours in the spectrum, and if I remember correctly, he doesn't need to be looking at a colour to use it. A war is breaking out between the regular colour users, and the ones that have broken their halo and gone insane. Normally those that have broken the halo would be killed before they went insane, but now they're fighting back for their freedom to live after.

You can see the complexity, and that's just the very basic. The book is marvelously written so that the reader is never confused. My descriptions cannot do it justice.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

A Dance with Dragons Review

About a week ago I finished reading A Dance with Dragons, which is the fifth book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series, or more commonly known as Game of Thrones. So time for a review! And of course, there will be spoilers.

First off, I've found that with every book so far, each one is much better than the shows. And I'm not even saying this as a bookworm that will always defend the book. I normally get really excited when a book I love is being made into a movie or a show (though that rarely happens...) I watched the complete first two seasons, but I've only watched a couple episodes from the third and fourth, mostly because I don't get HBO on my TV and I have to find them on the internet. The first season followed the book fairly well, as far as I can remember. Then it deviated from there... By the time I started watching the fourth season, I got really confused. It's been a while since I've read the fourth book, but I know that the whole scene with Theon/Reek is wrong, because I just read it in the fifth book. Not to mention Ramsay Bolton is way too good looking. He's supposed to look like a drooling fish. Nothing is supposed to look good about him. But this is HBO, so nothing can actually be realistic, and all the glamour and sex scenes have to be hyped up. By the fifth book, I could probably count the amount of sex scenes in the whole book on one hand. (Sorry to disappoint the viewers, though I doubt you'll actually be disappointed)

But anyway, back to the book. One thing I have to clear up is the timeline. Martin originally wrote the fourth and fifth books as one book, but realized it would be massive, so split them into two books. Instead of just cutting it right down the middle, he re-ordered it so certain characters would appear mostly in the fourth book, and other characters would appear in the fifth book. That's why there is so much Cersei, Arya, Brienne and Jamie in the fourth book, and barely any of them in the fifth. I think the show tried to meld the two books together so that it makes more sense, and that's the only thing they did right. (Don't even get me talking about Tyrion's nose!)

But int he end, there is only one thing I can really say. Damn you, Martin! Stop playing with my feelings!

Friday, 18 April 2014

I Hate This Generation

Yesterday was the first Thursday that I've had off from school or work. It was nice. I slept in and did basically nothing all day. I did get bored though. All my friends were busy. So I finished watching the Pokemon series that they have on Netflix. And I am pissed.

The original series was great! They had 52 episodes up, though there are clearly way more than that, including multiple movies. So when I finished with those, I was excited to move onto the next group of episodes. The moment it started, I knew something was wrong. I understand that voice actors need to be replaced from time to time, and that a ton of new Pokemon were added. But they could have at least kept the original theme song! The new theme song is the reason I stopped watching. Although the original shows were meant for kids too, it seems like the newer shows are even more child-ified... It's just plain stupid. I hate this generation. Everything has to be so dumbed down and simple. I am so glad that I grew up in the nineties and earlier twenty first century. I would hate to think how I would have turned out if I was born even five years later.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Like a Shark in the Air

Oh man, I had a great weekend. The highlight was going up flying in a tiny little plane. My dad's old work friend got his pilot licence, so after many weeks of waiting, we finally got a nice weekend. We were trying in February, but every weekend we planned it for, it started raining... or snowing. I was lucky enough that they had planned it for a Sunday last week, because that's the only weekend day that I wasn't working.

On Saturday though I was working at a Heritage Tea. Despite all the work, and a lot of standing on hard concrete floors, it was a lot of fun. I got to dress up in a beautiful red skirt and a nice lacy blouse. I with I had a wig so that my hair would have matched the outfit too. After that day though, my whole body was sore, even my arms and back. We had to do a lot of lifting to get chairs and tables set up and put away. I might post some pictures later, but I'm lazy and you know me. I probably won't post anything...

But back to flying! The plane was tiny, barely even fit four people. I think it was made in 1982, or something like that, but that's actually fairly modern, compared to some of the plains we say. I'm also very proud to say that I was not scared at all. I think I might be a little reckless when it comes to my life.... But we all survived, and there was never any danger.

The flight was beautiful. The whole time I was trying to find of a poem to write, to capture everything I saw in words. But there was just so much that I gave up. The one thing that stuck with me was one time as we were flying low, and you could clearly see the shadow of the plane. It was like a shark in the water. And it's amazing how many more details of things you see, even things that you think would be better seen from the ground. Just the way the water moves. It doesn't look like it's flowing, but rather shimmering.

It was just so amazing. If anyone ever gets the chance to go flying in a tiny little plane, take it! Being in a massive jet is so much different. You never see the ground and the surroundings as much as you do in a small plane. No matter how terrified you are, it's worth it.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

It's Here!

My new laptop came earlier than I expected! I thought it would arrive tomorrow, but it arrived late yesterday. On my way to school today, I stopped by to drop off my old laptop so that they could transfer all the old data onto my new laptop.

They didn't do this.

They had seven hours! Now I know it's partly my fault. I gave them my home phone, as I thought everything would be ready by Saturday or something. I rarely give my cell number out, since I rarely actually here my cell go off. I'm not all that attached to it like more girls, so I'll leave it at home or in my bag, or somewhere else in the house. I miss a lot of phone calls. However, I should have given the number to them when I dropped my old laptop off, I just kind of forgot. It wasn't until I was back on the bus and halfway to school that I realized that there would be no way for me to check whether they had finished everything. Still, I figured that seven hours would be enough time, not to mention that if I showed up and they weren't ready, then they would just tell me to come back tomorrow.

When I got there, all I was asked for was my receipt, which I handed over. They went to go find it, and came back with both new and old laptop. Now it's clear that they finished everything else, probably last night. It has everything downloaded that I wanted on it, and even a folder made that was ready for all my old data. However, none of the data was on the laptop, nor on the memory stick. What frustrates me the most, if that they acted like it was all done. They explained that all the data was on the memory stick, and that I shouldn't be using it for anything else other than for that data. I kind of assumed that that meant that all the data was already on it.

The good thing is, my old laptop still works, and I was able to turn it on to get all the data off myself. It took a while, and I'm still transferring it all right now. Apparently I have a lot more music than I thought..

Other than that, the laptop is pretty good. The mouse pad is a little more to the left than on my old one, which was in the centre, so I'll have to get used to that. Not to mention the keyboard is a bit smaller, and also a little to the left to accommodate the number pad on the right side, which my old laptop didn't have. I don't really like it now, since I never use it, but I figure I'll eventually get used to it. The actual keyboard is really nice. Each key is separate, so I'm less likely to get crumbs under the keys. And the down button works! It's in a different spot than on my old laptop, so every time I want to use it, I actually have to look for it, but that's also because I've gotten so used to not using it. It'll be nice to use it again, once I remember that I actually can. And I can actually type at a good speed already. I thought it would take me a lot longer to get used to, like it does with all keyboards, but I guess most laptop keyboards are similar enough that they're not hard to use.

There we go, a long update to make up for my lack of updates recently. I'm going to try and catch up on some reviews that I've been meaning to do lately, so look forward to that.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

I'm Still Alive!

My laptop, on the other hand, seems to be hanging on by a thread. About a week ago it suddenly shut down on me. I figured I had been on it too long and just strained it too hard. The next day when I turned it on, it said that there was something wrong with the fan I ignored it (of course) and after only a couple hours, it shut down again. I turned it back on and got the same message, so I just kept it turned off. For days. It's amazing that I lasted that long without it. But that explains my absence!

I did start using the laptop again though, for only about half an hour at a time, then I would give it a rest. I ordered a new laptop yesterday, since my current one is three years old. I figure it's only going to get worse, so I might as well get a new one now before I spend a hundred dollars just to get the fan fixed, maybe even more if it's more than just a cleaning.  Hopefully my new one will arrive by Friday. Tomorrow I'm bringing in my old one to Future Shop so that they have it on hand to upload all my content from the old to the new. That means there probably won't be an update tomorrow, or even Friday. I might not get one out until next Tuesday.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Pay Raise and Responsibility

I'm not even going to try for an April Fools prank this year.

So today I learned that one of the platforms for the Liberals is to get rid of radars and traffic cameras, therefore making it easier for people to speed and run red lights. And people actually voted for this! I am ashamed.

But on a brighter note, my assistant manager training is just about done. Just a few things to be signed, and I need to finish up my training to be a barista trainer, then I should be all done! Yay! Pay raise and responsibility!

Also, my class is nearly finished. Only a few more weeks. It really doesn't mean much, just that I'll have an extra day each week that I won't have school or work. I'm really looking forward to the summer, because there are no creative writing classes offered at my school during the summer. Not to mention the kids will be out of school, so I'll be able to take a bit more time off during the week. I'm hoping to re-build my social life. That would be nice. I've almost forgotten how to be social to people that aren't on the internet or asking for coffee...